The Beginning of A Quest

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That night Lessien could not sleep. She tossed and turned and thought about what was ahead. Though the quest seemed strange, her father insisted it was very important despite his uneasy manner.

He told her the story of the Ring of Power that she was more than familiar with, and also of hobbits, the halfling creatures. After the sharing of stories it was deep into the night, but nevertheless, Lessien was not tired.

In the years past, Lessien had adopted the habit of meditation—the state of half sleep elves used instead of ever slumbering. When she took up this task, she had constructed her Dreamworld. It was a lovely snowy garden with rows and rows of red roses and it wasn't even cold. She spent hours and hours in her garden pondering life and soothing herself.

But a strange occurrence happened this night.

A woman was walking in her garden. 

At first, the sight of this sent chills up Lessien's arms but no, this was her Dreamworld so she confronted this strange woman. This woman who had interrupted her thoughts and the visions and pondering of her mother.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" Lessien interrogated, coming up behind the woman.

The woman looked lost and when she heard Lessien's voice, she whirled. Upon seeing her, her expression was shocked and, as quick as Lessien confronted her, the woman disappeared into the thin air of Lessien's Dreamworld. No occurrence like this had ever happened before, and the eerie experience scared her. She wished to get out of her rose garden so she hastily took the spiral staircase to consciousness, wanting to get rid of the crawling feeling on her arms.

When she sat up, Lessien's father was getting ready.

"We must go now," he announced. Upon addressing his daughter, Aragorn's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Lessien was covered in sweat and her eyes looked wild.

"Lessien," he began, "whatever is the matter with you?"

Lessien shook her head and licked her lips. "Nothing, ada. It was just a dream."

Aragorn raised an inquiring eyebrow. Elves did not dream in a state of meditation. He waved it off for now and turned his mind to the matters that were now at hand.

As Lessien walked out of the cabin, she had the odd sense that this would be her last time seeing it. She shook the feeling off. She would make it back from this quest, she knew, and would not even be gone for too long.

Mounting her horse, she smiled.

The riding was smooth and Lessien sighed. This was only the beginning and it was soft, nice, and tranquil.

Aragorn was silent and no conversation was being made so Lessien opened her mouth to tell her father of the woman who had appeared in her Dreamworld but, on second thought, she decided to keep it to herself. Her father did not seem in a talkative mood anyway.

Lessien hummed a sweet, forgotten song. As she hummed, she urged her horse, Angrod, further, therefore teasing her father. She loved the wind in her hair.

Aragorn just rolled his eyes, not at all impressed by her horse-riding skills but still subtly urged his horse forward.


The next evening, the pair sat beside their evening fire after a hard day of travel. Aragorn had not been talkative the past few hours and Lessien knew something was wrong, but she decided not to ask. That is why it was a surprise when he said to her, "We have to come up with a plan."

"What is there to plan? We walk into an inn and pick up two halflings. By the way, you do know a nice 'hello' or 'I love you' after a day of not talking to me could suffice," Lessien sniffed with disdain.

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