Chapter 20

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➸ S Y D N E Y

Well I'm here up in the tree house doing my homework and listening to music.

But I mostly came up here to think.

How to hide this from my dad.

Whale to tell you the truth I don't know how the fuck I'm gonna do that.

"Syd!" Ashton yelled making me jump.

"Oh my god don't do that!" I said as he climbed up the rope ladder.

Ashton laughed and sat right next to me, shoulder to shoulder.



"You gotta be this fucking close to me?"

he blushed and scooted away.

"So I have a plan" he spoke up.

"Oh yeah?"


"Well let's hear it smarty pants"

"I'll talk to your dad"

I start laughing uncontrollably, "good one"

"I'm being serious"

"You know my dad, Ash. He's not gonna say 'welcome to the family!' just like that." I snapped my fingers.

"Syd, you are my whole world. My da has owned up to his mistakes and apologized. So I don't see what the problem is"

I heavily exhaled at his words. "Fine, if you can convince him then I applaud you"

He smiled and hugged me. He pulled me away from my books and pinned me down on my back with him on top of me.

"Hey!" I protested. But our faces were inches apart.

"Do you like me?" he blurted out.

"Yes I like you, will you get off of me now? I have to work"

"Kiss me first"

I groaned and kissed his lips.

Like fireworks as it always has been.

Our lips moved in sync like puzzle pieces.

He pulled away and got off of me.

I heard the rope ladder move and up came Ky. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No" we both said simultaneously.

He sighed happily, "thank god, I've been trying to get away from Amira for about an hour."

"What? why?" I laughed. She's been crazy for him from the start.

"She is falling for me" he rolled his eyes as if it was that obvious.

"Don't worry it won't last for long" Ashton said, "she'll move on in about two weeks then you'll be good bro" he clapped his back reassuring him.

I rolled my eyes and went back to drawing for my art class. I had to draw a portrait of someone inspiring so I drew Bruce Lee.

It was an exact match to my picture that I had printed out of him.

"Wow, that's pretty good" Ky said looking over my shoulder. I was too concentrated to even say thank you.

"She's not paying attention" Ashton told him.

My head snapped up at his words, "aww what, is wittle Ashypoo sad that I'm not paying attention to him" I said mockingly.

Ky laughed at my remark but stopped once Ashton gave him a death glare.

They carried on talking about girls and planes. I wasn't paying attention until I heard my nemesis's name.


"Yeah bro she's pretty hot." Ky said to Ashton.

"No" I said


"Don't even go near her Ky"

"Why?" he cocked his head slightly to the right.

"Because she's a self centered bitch that cares for no one but herself. If you go anywhere close to her, ill chop your balls off an feed them to you. I promise" I threatened.

"Yeah I'd take her advise..." Ashton said taking my side.

"well I like her a lot"

"Well that fucking sucks because she's not gonna see you anymore"

"Are you my dad? no you not so fuck off Sydney"

"Wait till Cam hears about this" I smirked.

Yeah so what I'm a suck up to uncle Cammy. And a tattle tail. I'm just doing what's best or my family.

Big Dreams, Little Family (sequel to L.L.S)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant