Chapter 32

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↬ S Y D N E Y

I just laid in bed for a few hours until I had to get ready for my date with Dylan.

I really didn't want to go out tonight because I was so fucking confused.

I felt really bad for yelling at Ashton like that.

I still really love him.

I did the normal routine and took my shower so I didn't smell like salt water and sand.

I found a floral dress and put on my favorite doc martins. And I topped it off with my jean vest.

There was a knock at my door and there stood the one and only Dylan O'Brien.

"You look gorgeous" he smiled.

"Thanks, you don't look to bad yourself" I giggled.

He was wearing dark wash skinnies with a flannel.

He smiled and walked me out to his car.

Which of course was a sports car that I loved.

It was a 2005 GTO. It was a yellow. It had a 5.7 Litter corvette engine in it. Duel exhaust when it usually has one.

(AN that's what kind of car my dad bought me😂)

Sorry y'all probably think I'm speaking Chinese or something but my dad taught me quite a bit about cars.

Ugh I was in love with it.

"So where are we going exactly?" I asked.

"It's my favorite restrunt." He smiled.

"Which is?"

"The crab pot"

I smiled because it was my favorite too.

(AN we have a crab pot in Seattle and it's like a seafood place so it's like fresh and stuff because it's in the Puget Sound I think😂👌)

When we got there the waitress was gonna have a fangirl moment I swear to god. But she calmed herself.

She set a little mallet and a wooden boar along with some nut crackers for the crab legs.

We ordered the king and snow crab and some drinks.

"So tell me about yourself." He smiled.

"Well I write my own songs, surfing is my stress reliever besides music. Music has been a big part of my life mostly because of my dad. I like penguins and my favorite color is blue" I babbled.

He chuckled, "that's quite a story" he smiled.

"I guess so... I live under a rock so I don't get out much"

"Why surfing?"

"I don't know to be honest. My mom was like a pro so she teaches me and stuff. it just clears my mind, helps me think clearly" I shrugged.

"How often?"

"Almost every night... I've had a lot on my mind so late night surfing is like therapy for me"

"Ahh I see"

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"Reading was my took me into a new world. And my problems would just vanish"

"What did you like to read?" I asked.

"Action, romance, anything really"

"That's cool, what kind of music do you like to listen to?"

Sorry I have to ask every guy this. It's like a big turn off if they listen to shitty music.

"Ed Sheeran, classic rock" he smirked.

"Are you just saying that?"

"Nope the honest truth" he laughed.

We had a great time the rest of the night, just talking about random things and about ourselves.

He called for a check but the bus boy came to clean out table and take our dishes.

As soon as I realized who it was my eyes widened.

"Ashton? What are you doing here?!" I asked.

"I kinda work here Syd."

"Why didn't you tell me?"

"Because you never fucking asked. and who's this?" he asked nodding his head to Dylan.

"This is Dylan" I awkwardly introduced them to each other.

I could tell that Ashton was mad.

"I um, think I'm gonna walk home. I had a great time Dylan." I smiled sweetly and ran out of the restraunt.

I ran aimlessly like usual but I knew where my feet would be taking me.

I pulled on the wet suit an grabbed the hidden board.

And here I was.

At my escape.

My escape from reality.

My escape from Ashton.

From Dylan.

From everything.


I was walking home with my clothes in hand.

But I got an unexpected call.


"Sydney baby! it's Bill here and have a plan for you!"

"Really what is it?"

"We start a girl band. You on vocals, and tree others on guitar, bass and drums!"

"That's awesome Bill, when do we start?"

"Tomorrow you meet the girls then we'll start from there"

"Okay sounds good I'll see you then"

He hung up an I continued to walk home.

I swear to god if these girls are bitches I will fucking kill them.

I'm not in the mood to deal with that shit.

Authors note❤️

So I need three people to play the band members.

Tell me your name and what you want to look like.

It's gonna be a PunkRock band genre so make it good.

I need hair color and your name and all you have to do is post it on my Message board or message me on Wattpad or whatever.

Sound good? Good.

I need this ASAP girls and if you don't get picked I'm sorry.



Big Dreams, Little Family (sequel to L.L.S)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang