Engagement : 2

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Emerace P.O.V Present Time (all most 1:00am)
"I can't believe that your Father(Castellano) let you come with me to Greendale. Honestly I would have thought that he would let you give me surprise visits or check ups but not much else. I just really can't believe he let you stay with me the whole time. This is going to be fun I can Introduce you to Prudence she dying to meet you. Just fare warning she is very overprotective over me. So don't be scared if she threatens to kill you honestly I wouldn't be surprised," I said." I honestly can't believe it either. I thought that I would have to just MirrorPhone you and if things got really dire I wouldn't mind to Astral Project to you. plus I can't wait to meet this Ms. Prudence you always speak so highly of and has more of you attention span than I do.( we kiss ) But have you sent a formal inquisition to Father Blackwood that you and Alister would be returning to Greendale from what you told me is that he would love to throw you and him a Grand Gala/Ball and would be slightly displeased with you since you didn't tell him. My Little Nyx ~ but because I love you like no one else I told him a week in advance what can I say i like seeing you in a dress and I already have it picked," Sebastian said. My Heart warmed like the sun I was Promised long ago ( who caught my reference). His voice came off so sweet and soft like silk. And then it hit me like a bus straight on, my face paled " You what do you know what you've done now I have to be re-introduce to so many people after a long time but then see me in the most scandalous dress imaginable to witch kind oh lord what have you done," I said. " oh come off it my fashion sense is impeccable I just pick the best pieces that accentuate your beauty. Come on Emerace you are the most beautiful girl that ever walked into my world and you know I would never lie to you. He's never lied to me which is true. One day Father Castellano asked us to make a cander potion for a witch trail to see if he was telling the truth and I was still learning at the time and Sebastian tricked me into trying it out on him and I asked him Questions to make me feel better about my insecurities and it only made me fall in love with him more. "well if that's the case then I can't wait to introduce you to everyone apparently when i sign my name in the Book Of The Beast in approximately seventeen days and eight months I will be able to meet my Bonded ( i'm talking about Sabrina Spellmen). Apparently she's a half-witch my, my what would the Hags (imagen gossip girl if you've seen the TV show) say I think they would hang themselves,"I said. "if only," we said together we started to laugh then the air became serious " what will I do if I see him," I said. " I don't know but, i'll be with you every step of the way. Let's just cross that road when we get their. Okay," Sebastian said. I nodded we interlocked hands at the same time we raised our hands we both had the same thought about giving each other reassuring kisses. I know he had some issues with meeting Him but I hope i would be enough to support him and myself.
Sebastian's P.O.V (bet you didn't see that coming.
I saw Emerace with a worried expression on her face. One I knew to well. She's always worrying about men she has such a big heart for worrying about others as well. I thank Satan for taking the time to make her. She has this aura around her that I can't describe but only with one word Light and how ironic that we as witches are originated from darkness but i know has the most Light in herself that any other witch does not possess. Sometimes I wonder if she got the right fimiliar she can be a calm,caring and nurturing but then she can tourn into a fierce beast when she feel something she cares about is being threatened. Sometimes she even acts like a mother to stranger. Not to mention that she is like a mother to the younger generations of witches and warlocks. She saved a boy a few days after I preposed under her wing. Some of the older witches were picking on him since his family were killed by hunters and left him an orphan and
"Your so weak no wonder your family is dead,"- "Why would My coven allow such a weak link like you in here honestly you should d-." I saw that her hands were trembling just hearing how her fellow brethren we treating a child that not only knew the loss of his mother and father but the rest of his family as well. "Enough! Eliza (random person what would you do if your mother was killed wouldn't you be devastated. Hmn and what about your father oh right you never met him. But he has he experienced that love and you ,you have nothing to say so leave the boy alone because he had much more love than what you'll ever every receive.And I will say this once and only once so listen well This is My coven and you would do well to remember who protected you and your little friends. Oh and burn this into your mind I where the crown not you i own the hierarchy and now you find yourself as nothing but the dirt underneath my shoe.(she leans in to Eliza's ear) And as you know because of this hierarchy I would love to punish you to the point that you won't be able to know your know your own name. Now run along. I don't want to see you wretched face every again." whoa my Satan was that hot. Then she turned her attention to the boy " hey honey~ my name is Emerace Nyx Monroe Sinclair if you like I could protect you from them and I can take you out of the orphanage live with me here. By the way whats your name? My mother would have a fit if she saw this." "My name is Marcelino De La Luna and I would like that very much are you going to be my new mother," - "If that's what you want if that's who you want me to be for then I will."
End of flashback
I just fell in love with her more. I'll do anything for her including moving away from my family for a little while just to have an amazing person like her in my life." Love it's almost time to go to sleep I'm going to go change and brush my teeth I will be back." I got changed and went back to the room an I already saw her change

" I got changed and went back to the room an I already saw her change

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and the smell of mint was strong. Well we have a few days left I'll ask my father if Marcel can come with us to. I know she would be heart broken If he didn't come and I know he would miss her they're some times together so much I wonder if they stitched together. I leaned over and gave her a kiss she looked at me and gave me a heart melting smile and her eyes started to droop "Forever and Always "she said. "Forever and Always."
The word count was 1,294. Honestly I hate myself for this chapter it was so horrible and it was more of a filler but in the next one is

But umm I am going to be absent due to my lunatic of a father having mood swings and taking away my phone meanwhile I'll write chapters on paper but I will update ASAP

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But umm I am going to be absent due to my lunatic of a father having mood swings and taking away my phone meanwhile I'll write chapters on paper but I will update ASAP.

Loyalty (N.Scratch) EDITING IN SESSION Where stories live. Discover now