Aftermath: 5

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Hey guys not dead yet here's another chapter taking place in the morning after hope you guys enjoy. -A
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Third POV
"Look I said I was sorry ". S " I don't give a r@t$@$$ if your sorry, last night wasn't the way to behave and you thinking it's okay , it's not. When we got together you promised you wouldn't do this to me. You know a part of me will have always loved him but I love you now. Look we all have to go to school my rabbit is here I'm taking Marcel. My keys to my car are on the demon hook I see you there. Oh and try not to embarrass me."E. And with that she got here keys and walked out and called Marcel to leave as soon as he sat down on the bike she revved up the engine and took off. " I wish what you said was true. But your eyes tell me a different story, I guess it's true what they say the eyes are the window to the soul. Because my love, its okay I always knew I would lose to him in the end , it was only a matter of time. Just know that I won't give up trying to enthrall you in my charm as you did many years ago."
Time skip ~~~ in front of the school 🏫
As they pulled up to the school Emerace said " Welcome my little warrior to the Academy of the Unseen Arts this is where the meantime your powers will blossom. Come we have much to do."
(Hair straight with black Wedges and a Matt Oxblood red lipstick idk why they are named the way they are but if your curious like me look it up.)

Emerace POVAs we walked up the steps I felt a presence

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Emerace POV
As we walked up the steps I felt a presence. " Prudence come out Darling you aren't fooling anyone," I said. " My beautiful sister has returned and hasn't lost her touch I've missed you." P "And I you sister dearly might I add. Prud why do I sense a curse on you in your aura?" E "My and and who is this little one ."P " This is Marcel my son, and don't change the subject." E "Fine you caught me red handed I was in the wood with Dorcas and Ag-,"P "Don't speak the harlots name in my presence ," E"Fine with hagatha and we we had a little fun with the Spellman half-blood,"P "Prud-,"E "Yes, I know we can't hurt her, but I feel like once you meet her and you both sign your name in the book of the beast you two will be inseparable and your my best friend Em. And I don't want to loose you even when I had Dorcas and hags, you were the only one that stood up for me. You gave me a reason to use emotions that the humans have."P "Though I would love to know what curse you did to my Spell~Bound Darling~."E"We gave her a blood curse sown by three so it's enforced by the power of three." P " But knowing Hilda and Zelda Spellman they will have already taken care of that by now. Well wouldn't want to be late to class now would we,"E
End of class (time skip)
Third POV
" I can't believe you added powdered root to the infused wormwood that poor girl , Em but then again you always loved your mischief," said Prudence. " I still do Prudence but-" Emerace said but was interrupted by a certain young ghost. "Madam Emerace  Father Blackwood has requested your presence he said something about defensive measures," said Quintin. " oh my Satan I totally forgot about that I was supposed to see him after class dammit i'll see you later prud-," said Emerace and with that she was off. Quintin and her hand intertwined as as he led her running through the halls to FBW office. When they finally reach the double doored room I knocked and I heard a 'come in'. Emerace turned to face Quintin and said " thank you for ringing me. Your Dissmissed. oh and Quintin theirs some candy in the tree next to the entry to the academy share some with the other children." And with that the little ghost boy curried off. Emerace opened the door with her magic " Father , Lucas (she gives a respectful nod) I seek permission for a private conversation it involves the protection of the coven," she said. "Permission grantted Lucas please leave the room" FBW said. Lucas slowly walked to the door and Emerace saw his hands move in signs and he muttered something.
Emerace POV
I pulled out two knives from my leg strap. I through both of them and each hand as it logged into his hand he let out a high pitched scream. " This conversation as of a minute ago is certified as a private conversation. The next time you decide to try and eavesdrop on this conversation i'll cut off your hands as a reminder understood boy," I said in a chilling voice hat made a shiver go up his spine. "Yes, ma'm it won't happen ag-,"L " Your right it won't happen again I put a spell on the conversation heed my warning that goes for you too boy down the hall now collect yourself and go."Me. He nodded and left. " Did you really have to scare the boy" said FBW. "Yes, yes I did he needs to learn to respect me. I'm not going to let him walk all over me. But besides that have you seen my proposal for the protection detail and my suggestion of self-defense magick and hand to hand combat. For the safety of the coven of course." I said in a tone of full confidence and authouriy. " Yes I have Ii assume you will be teaching the classes but my worry is that if you're teaching these classes how will you deal with your own work load," said FBW. " well it would be Sebastian myself, Marcel and My mother." Me "Very well these classes will begin after the blood moon. ah and Emerace it's 11:30 we must be on our way." FBW " Forgive me Father but where are we going." ME "we're going to the Spellman's !"
Word count 1086 hey my bewitching reader I know it's been a long time but I had a really big writers block and sorry for the sucky ending. See you next time.

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