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Hello darlingss...
My vacations have started and I am chilling at home, my body is trying to rest post all the exam stress and the hectic daily schedule of the university but my mind seems to have got overly active. Here is another of the unusual thoughts that crossed my mind last night
(I get such ideas at night only)
N I hope you guys will enjoy it.
Many of my readers from IF have told me about falling in love with the Raman of my stories, so all those people, get ready to discover a new side of him in "LOVE CAN BE SELFISH TOO"

Here we go with a prologue.

Ishita opened her eyes lazily yawning to herself as she turned to the other side of the bed and looked at the man laying beside her, busy in his dreamland and ran a hand over his two days old stubble. He was a charmer, and a complete heart stealer. She was blown over with his clean shaven look but this light stubble made him look dangerously sexy. He made her feel alive with his wittiness. She ached for his care and warmth. He loved her and she had fallen in love with herself because he had chosen to love her leaving all the seven million faces in the world behind.

"Good morning husband" she whispered in his ears kissing his forehead softly while he just stirred in his sleep and rounded his arms around her waist.

"Mmm.... Let's sleep for a while more"

He whispered letting his breath caress the cave of her neck. She smiled seeing that child like innocence on his face and just pecked his lips softly.

"Shall we pick it up from where we left it last night?"

He asked with his eyes still closed and a dangerously knee wobbling smirk. She heated up hearing that from him and somehow managing to free herself from his hold, escaped to the bathroom putting on his shirt.

She looked at herself and smiled taking out a pregnancy test kit from the drawer and prayed to her murugan before taking the test.

His sleep broke hearing her loud cries and the sound of something falling down. He rushed to the bathroom somewhere knowing what it could be and was greeted with the sight of his wife curled to herself, crying bitterly.


He scooped her in his arms and carried her out of the washroom.

"It's negative again Raman"

She sobbed looking at him while he just scooped her in his arms and brought her back to the room.

"Shhh... Ishita, you know I don't like these tears in your eyes. Why are you losing hopes so soon, we had talked to Dr. Naina right, all our reports are good and she said na there won't be any complications in conceiving, then why can't you just keep this thing off your mind?"

He asked with a tinge of anger in his voice making her look on, she pushed him away angrily.

"I can't keep my mind off it Raman because I want a baby, I want to be a mother. You know it is my dream to have a daughter"

Raman realized he had angered her and apologized to her. She just  rested her head on his shoulder and after a while he moved to the kitchen to make breakfast for her.

He finished his work and took out birth control pills from his pockets and mixed it in her juice.

"I am sorry Ishita, I know I am cheating on you, but I can't fulfill this wish of yours. You can't get pregnant....ever"

He spoke to himself before he walked back to the bedroom fixing a smile on his lips.

So how's it?? Surprised or shocked?? Lemme know through your comments. Will be waiting for that.

Love can be selfish tooWhere stories live. Discover now