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Hello everyone,
Finally I am back here with an update of this story after a long time.
I guess the continuous updates of bonded by the baby kept me too busy to think of this one but last week I finally made my mind to update this one and here it comes, I hope you guys enjoy this rotdu update 😊 which also happens to be the longest till date for this story. Okay enough of my blabber, here we go

Raman took his leave post meeting mihika, asking about her and her baby's well being and stealing glances of Ishita in between, something that didn't went unnoticed by Mihir. He was angry with the love sick puppy looks Raman was giving Ishita, the possessive brother in him not liking the way that man who was Ishita's boss was looking at her. Those looks angered him, he had always protected Ishita from boys and their gazes, knowing well what had happened with their mother and not wanting the history to repeat with Ishita. He had never hesitated to beat those boys who had dared to propose or even eye Ishita and Ishita was single till date not only because of her phobia of love and marriages, but because of her Hitler brother as well. Boys were scared to get closer to her because of Mihir.

Mihir had never wanted Ishita to join some other company than his, he knew he won't be able to be his sister's shadow anymore, he won't be able to protect her from others eyes anymore but he had bowed in front of his sister's stubborn behavior and allowed her to work with PSR Industries but now it seemed that his decision was not very right.

He had shot another murderous glance at Raman as he forwarded his hand to him for a handshake making Raman wonder if the brother sister duo had some genetic problems. He had given one last look to Ishita telling her to take another day's off if she feels like and left from there finally.

The moment he left, Mihir turned to Ishita and asked her to resign from her work making gasps escape the lips of both the ladies present in the room. Mihika, who too had seen something for Ishita in her boss's eyes looked at Ishita trying to know if Ishita too had something similar for her boss as his feelings. Unlike her overly possessive brother husband, she was seeing it all in a different light, she was seeing it the way every normal girl would, she could see the same longing in his eyes as she used to see in Mihir's for her once upon a time. The time when Mihir was not her husband but just a friend who liked her, admired her secretly and wanted to have her in his life as a companion while Mihika, who was oblivious to his feelings used to treat him like any other male friend of hers. She could see seriousness in Raman's eyes for her sister in law and confusions in Ishita's eyes.

Somewhere, Mihika knew the reasons for such confusions, she knew the past Ishita and Mihir had and she understood both their behaviors and where they came from. But she also knew that not every man is like Ishita and Mihir's father, her Mihir was a live example for the same. He had proved that he wasn't like his father, he was his mother's son, an ideal husband and a little overprotective but loving brother. But she also knew that the journey of love won't be very easy for Raman for he had more than one demons to fight with - the demons of the past of his lady love as well as the demon of her present - her brother, her Hitler brother Mihir.

She felt bad for Raman but sadly, she couldn't do anything until she knew what was locked up in her sister in law's heart. She looked at her sister in law who seemed to be lost in her own world though she hadn't missed that she was defending her boss in front of her brother but still she wanted to be sure of the depth of the waters before going for a swim.

The night passed away and the next morning, she was discharged from the hospital. Mihika was thankful as she got rid of the annoying hospital smell and was welcomed home warmly by Ishita. Ishita had already cleaned up her room and made sure all the things she might require were placed at hand's reach.

Mihika was really impressed seeing the thoughtfulness and thanked her for the same. Ishita just smiled in return and once again checking on her and asking her if she needed anything, she walked out of the room leaving the couple in privacy.

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