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Hello everyone,
Finally I am back with an update of this story. I know many of you have been waiting for this since long and I have did nothing in this update to clear your doubts. Still hoping it would keep you guys hooked.
I wanted to update it yesterday but Wattpad was throwing tantrums. But now seriously hoping this time it would happen.
Ok enough of my banter here we go with the first chapter of LOVE CAN BE SELFISH TOO

He stared at the clock for the nth time waiting for her eagerly. The clock ticked again and his eyes got glued to the door but alas, she didn't came. He picked up the phone and called his secretary asking her if Ishita Iyer had arrived yet and was greeted by disappointment when he came to know that she hadn't.
He looked at his desktop wallpaper, which happened to be her picture with a pout on his lips.

He looked at his desktop wallpaper, which happened to be her picture with a pout on his lips

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A few more minutes passed and his phone rang. He picked up the phone and was informed by his secretary that Ishita has arrived and he immediately asked her to send her in.

Shweta, his secretary nodded and informed Ishita that Raman had been waiting for her. Ishita bit her tongue thinking he will definitely fire her today as she is late. She composed herself and moved towards Raman's cabin. She closed her eyes momentarily and prayed to God for keeping her safe from her boss's wrath today and knocked on the door hesitantly.

"Come in"

His voice was a soft tone which somewhat relaxed her and she walked in with a sweet smile on her cherry lips.

"Good morning sir"

She greeted him with her million dollar smile. He smiled at her like a lovesick puppy and continued to stare at her till she snapped her fingers in front of him breaking his trance.

"Sir you had called me?"

She asked meekly and realizing he would end up embarrassing himself deeply if he doesn't think of something now, he looked around and gestured her to sit. She smiled taking her seat while he finally managed to get an idea and asked her to explain him about the marketing strategy of their new health drink.

She smiled nodding her head before she told him that she would be back shortly with all the details. He mentally praised himself for the brilliant idea and started waiting for her tapping his feet on the floor. She emerged before him after a while and started explaining about the new product promotion strategies to him.

Ishita Iyer, the marketing head of his company had very effortlessly blown him over at the first sight only. He was a charmer and he was certainly proud of that but the day he met Ishita, he realized what real charm is. She was an epitome of beauty, everything that he could have ever asked from God and the answers to all her questions. He had hired her immediately impressed with her professional qualifications and the work experience and she hadn't disappointed him at all. She had proved that she was the best choice he could have made for the post of Marketing Manager of his company. He was really happy with her, both professionally as well as personally.

Love can be selfish tooWhere stories live. Discover now