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Hello everyone, back here with an update of this story, this one is kinda emotional update and I tried  not to make you use your tissue boxes but... Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy the read. Here we go

He looked up at her and found her standing there like a statue, not saying anything. Smiling at the thought of his proposal shocking her, he shook her gently asking her the same question again

"Will you marry me Ishita?"


She screamed in absolute horror scaring him to wits for her scream almost pierced his ears while she stepped back. He looked at her scared, confused and nervous at the same time as she took a breath before turning to him and what she spoke next shook his world.

"I can't marry you"

That was all she uttered before she ran from there. He followed her, calling her many times, trying to make her at least talk to him once but she just kept running without looking back. And she looked off in her car before he could catch her.


He murmured banging his fist on the bonnet of the car eyeing her retreating figure. She drove back home recklessly, Raman's proposal and his love confession still ringing in her ears.

She entered the house finishing the journey of forty five minutes in half an hour and latched the door. As usual, her brother was waiting for her in the living room. He knew she had gone for a party and would be late tonight so he was a bit surprised seeing her back home earlier than anticipated.


He called her softly but got no response. She was too lost in her own world to even notice his presence. Keeping the keys in their place, she was about to move back to her room when mihir suddenly stood in front of her.

"Ishu, is everything okay? How was the party? Why are you back so soon? Are you okay?"

Her protective brother showered her with numerous questions, she just smiled meekly at him telling him that she  was having a headache and wasn't feeling good  because of the loud music in the party so came back home leaving it in mid.

"Okay, should get you some coffee?"

He asked to which she just denied politely, asking him about mihika. He told her that she was asleep after another round of tantrums and throwing fits making her smile a little. She could clearly imagine her brother pulling his hair in frustration helplessly as mihika came up with demands, one after another. She was actually behaving weird these days, asking for one thing at a moment and denying for it the next, crying on silly things, making her brother dance on her tunes and he was doing it all happily, with a smile on his lips, all for her and their baby. Well if the parents to be were excited to have a new member in the house soon, the aunt to be was excited as well.

The thought of the little one managed to divert her mind from the happenings of the party for a while. She poured a glass of water for herself and asked mihir about the appointment they had with mihika's doctor today and if the baby was doing well.

"yeah, Doctor said the baby is perfectly healthy"

He spoke with a smile which Ishita returned and walked back to her room wishing him a good night. Mihir too walked back to his room buying her lie of having a headache and slept off soon. Ishita on the other hand, entered her room and latched the door, her thought wandering back to Raman and his proposal.

"I love you Ishita, will you marry me?"

She could clearly hear those words ringing in her ears again and closed her ears tight not wanting to even ponder on those thoughts ever again. She hated the concept of marriages and love. She just hated it to the moon and back. Period.

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