Chapter 9

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Harry POV

I want to know what they are hiding. They have weird nicknames for each other and three of them have the SPQR tattoo. I had to attend another detention. Percy had refused to write on his hand so I went alone. After the detention, Hermione, Ron and I went to ask them what had happened in Trelawney's class. We met up with them in the common room.

"Percy" I began "Why did you laugh in Trelawney's class?"

"We laughed because..." he trailed off

"Percy is is a great swimmer, him drowning would be extremely unlikely" Annabeth immediately began

"I am an extremely good strategist, I am very thorough and you would be hard put to find even the smallest hole in one of my plans. The chance of getting hit by lightning is so low that Thalia is extremely unlikely to get hit. Nico is best friends with the "ghost king", as she described him. Hazel is an excellent navigator. She can find her way around anywhere"

Theses were all good reasons but I didn't understand why it was funny. This led me to believe they were lying. That is not helping with trust.

Hermione POV

I felt like they were lying. I didn't trust those answers, they didn't seem to mean enough to demand that much laughter. I asked another question

"Why did you refuse to let the toad, or anyone, use your last name?"

"I no longer use that name. That name belonged to my mother, whom I disowned when I ran away from home after she abandoned my little brother. She died years ago in a car accident. I have another family now" She said slightly sadly

"Why didn't you take your father's name?" Ron asked

"Because I don't see him often enough or know him well enough to take his name" Thalia said angrily

I though she was telling the truth on this point. It also seemed like a legitimate reason to not take a name.

Percy POV

We had another lesson with the toad. Harry lost his temper when she told us

"None of your teachers were anywhere near the required standards except perhaps Quirrell"

to which Harry replied

"Yes, except for the unfortunate possession by Voldemort"

He got another week of detention.

Our next class was with Professor McGonagall. We did vanishing charms, Hazel and Hermione were exceptionally good while Annabeth and Thalia did well. Nico and I managed it but Harry and Ron were struggling. Harry had to go to detention next. We hung around in the common room, discussing what we would like to do to Umbridge

"I think we should poison her" suggested Ron

"Too simple" said Thalia "I think we should gut her like a fish"

"No fun" said Nico "leave her to rot downstairs"

"What?" Asked Hermione "where? And why would that be worse than gutting?" She fired the questions like a machine gun.

"Because downstairs is kind of a code name for somewhere you never want to visit" explained Annabeth darkly "we wouldn't wish it on anything but a monster"

"Bu-"Ron interrupted

"No" I said "No questions, regretfully it's homework time" we sat in silence. 

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