▒Chapter Three▒

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Chapter Three

I wake up to the sound of my phone vibrating on the hardwood floor, an irritating buzz sounding throughout the room. I add hauling my nightstand over beside my bed on my to-do list for today. How fun...

I rub my face sleepily with the back of my hand and release a grumbling groan. After what seems like an eternity, I wiggle my upper body towards the edge of the bed, curious as to who would be texting me so early. In one swift motion, I reach down to the phone, picking up the device, the cold air tickling my bare skin as I pull my arm out from under the duvet.

I lift my phone up and set it on pillow and rest my head parallel to it as I swipe the lock screen, noticing that it's 7:30am.

What the hell? No one ever texts me before eleven unless they have a death wish.

The text is from my boyfriend Leo and reads, 'hi'

I bite my lip in an attempt to prevent a gasp from being released. I had forgotten all about the incident in the attic last night.

I gulp and quickly type my response, my thumbs dancing swiftly and skillfully over the letters on the keyboard.

Adeline, 7:32: Why are you texting me so early?

After hitting the send button I somehow manage to maneuverer out of my gloriously comfortable cacoon and quickly slip on my bunny slippers and robe just as my phone screen illuminates.

Leo, 7:34: I miss you and think we should talk later x

As per usual he ignores my question, a common quality Leo annoyingly exhibits frequently.  

Adeline, 7:34: Ok

I purposely forget the oh-so-romantic 'x'. I should be mad at him for last weekend but I need to at least meet him in order to fish out an apology from him or something.

Our relationship hasn't been the same since last tuesday, the mother of all fights. Everyday after school, I meet Leo by the fountain in the courtyard, however last Tuesday when I was late because I dropped my books down the stairs and the pages sinfully scattered down the stairwell in mocking cascades. I wasn't even sinfully late, about ten minutes or so, but Leo, being the overly-protective asshole he is assumed I was cheating on him or something. And God forbid I take too long in the bathroom when we go out for a meal, "Did you fall in or did you meet someone in there?" he would interrogate and I would rountinely frown and sarcastically throw a comment about how the ladies toilet is swimming with grizzly, men looking for a quickie in the nearest stall. He would distastefully frown obviously.

I don't know why we are still together in all honestly as we have been slowly drifting apart since Janurary after he accused me of cheating with a boy who happens to be gay. 

After brushing my teeth and washing my face and changing out of my stripped pyjamas, I see my phonescreen light up again.

Leo, 7:45: Meet me @ 7 at our spot x

Adeline, 7:45: Ok

I'm not even entierly convinced that I should resume to embark on what we had classified as a relationship anymore. We have been together for a little over a year now and I feel that, whatever we had, has burnt out. I used to feel swirls and butterflies and a tickling sensation in my stomach when we kissed but now, all I seem to be thinking about is how much longer I have to move my lips against his. Kisses are meant to be pleasurable and sweet but with Leo, they are bland and boring and pretty much seem like a chore.

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