▒Chapter Five▒

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Chapter Five▒

I pull up to the house, attic window still bare of any sign of light.

The harshness of the rain has gave way meaning only an awkward drizzle remains. The air is still cold and chilly and my breath can be seen escaping in little clouds as I walk up the stone steps to the door.

I walk to the kitchen finding it empty and so I automatically make my way to living room.

My Grandmother sits, knitting skillfully with mint green wool and my Grandpa sits in his hideous brown-leather recliner that he refuses to get rid of - no matter how hard my Grandmother or myself tries.

"How was Leo?" My grandmother asks, setting her needles down momentarily to look at my appearance. I look pretty much the same compared to when I left, the only exception being that my raincoat is now decorated with tiny little water droplets.

"Fine" I shrug off. I am most certainly not getting deeper into the topic of my relationship with Leo, especially when he acted so uncharacteristically vulgar tonight.

Leo and myself agreed to a no sex policy until we were sure we were both ready and he most certinally knew this. We agreed on this as we wanted to let our relationship mature before we done anything we regretted. We are both virgins so it's not like we are being deprived of anything for the time being.

I find myself small-talking to my grandparents for about an hour until I finally decide to go to head to bed.

Lying in amongst the blankets, I find sleep does not come easily. Physically, I am extremely tired however my mind seems to be fully awake, floating and drifting from one topic to another at an unorthodox pace.

I sigh in defeat. Sleep isn't going to come any time soon.

I get out of bed, placing my slippers sloppily on my feet before throwing on my grey sweater that just so happened to be lying on the floor in a heap of washing. I grab my flashlight and walk out of my room.

I know exactly where I want to go.

I pull the string and the steps, on cue, tumble down followed by their signature thud against the beige carpet. I climb up, switching the torch on with my thumb and for what seems like the millionth time, inspect the space.

Again, the room is artic cold and I find that even with the aid of my thick winter sweater, the skin of my arms still somehow decorate with goosebumps. I guess goosebumps are a package deal with this room

The room is completely empty once again which only raises more questions on the mysterious shadow I swore I saw. I questioned my grandparents earlier and they both stated they hadn't even set one foot in the room yet.

The room looks the same compared to any other time I've visited, still raffish and dusty and empty.

The art equipment lies exactly where I left it and I consider painting to pass the time but before my feet drag me over to the collection of rustic supplies my curiousity convinces me to go to the window.

The glass is steamed up once again, beadlets of moisture splattered randomly against the glass - similar to that when you flick a freshly-dipped painbrush against the crisp paper and it explodes into a pattern of shapes and designs.

Interestingly enough, the imprint of the word, that one, small, intriguing word is still present amongst the beadlets.


I bite my lip, taking in the word. I mentally laugh at myself for what I'm about to do but it surely won't do any harm.

I place my forefinger against the pane, the wetness of the glass somewhat irritating against my skin and slowly but neatly I write, "Hi", just underneath the original message.

I smile at the thought that I'm technically having a conversation with a window but it strangely makes me happy nonetheless.

I shift my focus away from the glass itself and take a look out the window, my eyes automatically altering their focus.

Similar to the first night, the sky is dull and clouded over resulting in a dark navy blue filter over the countryside. There is not much to look out at as everything is so dark.

I focus on the writing again and my eyes widen at the sight.

Just below my message there is an arrow. I know that definitely was not there just a few seconds ago when I wrote my message.

I consider that it could simply be a random beadlet formation but as I take a closer look, it is so neat that I assure myself that it is the work of someone.

My mind is buzzing with confusion however, I, myself feel oddly calm. To think my normal reaction would be to cower and bolt down the stairs as fast as possible but something... attracts me to stay.

I am glued to the window.

I notice the arrow is pointing to the right of the window, one of the more shadowed areas of the room.

I slowly tilt my light up towards the shadowed space.

The light illuminates the space and in that moment I nearly drop the torch on the hardwood.

In the corner, there is a boy.

His frame is tall and his skin porcelain pale. His hair is dark, unruly and messy but somehow it manages to swift and curl effortlessly at the ends. His face is rather angelic; plush lips, a cute nose and an envious jawline. But the most intriguing feature of the boy was his gaze. Unusually pale green eyes stared into mine, curiously and almost...frightenedly.

If anything, surely I should be the one frightened of the mysterious boy in my attic.

We both stood still in the quiet of the attic, taking in the appearance of the other.

Who was this boy? And why was he is my attic?

I didn't know what to say, obviously I intended to get some answers but something was halting me from doing so. I was, if anything, captivated by the boy.

The silence seemed to come to a well deserved end when he spoke, low and smooth, a simple, "Hi".

Author's Note:▒

Yo yo my peeps


Sorry im just excited about the story lol forgive me

Not much to say but i hope you all have a good day

- em

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