▒Chapter Nine▒

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▒Chapter Nine▒

I slowly tilted my head up, my curious eyes setting on the glorious image of Harry. He wore his usual white dress shirt, the top two buttons carelessly left open with the same dark trousers that looked tight and almost like a second skin. However, admittedly, he managed to pull them off effortlessly and I actually felt a slight envy towards his slender legs.

My eyes greedily took in his body, foraging they way his muscular, awkward arms seemed to casually cross over his chest exhibited a sense of masculinity but the way he sat with his legs crossed so innocently gave him a childlike aspect. He looked so contradictory with his alpha male physique compared to youthful demeanour he seemed to possess.

The air was silent and I could clearly see the moisture cloud of my breath release out of my mouth surprisingly steadily despite the fact that a beautiful, myserious male was mere footsteps away from me.

Caustiously, I brought my vision to his face. His gloriously voluminous hair was tousled, again a visual representation of the youthful quality he somehow managed to exhibit despite his manly, chiselled jawline and handsome looks.

He was looking directly at me, his pale coniferous gaze cautiously but not intrusively scanning for a reaction, a much overdue reaction might I add.

His plump lips were held in a tight line, making it blatantly obvious he had no idea what to say or what to do.  I took the gesture as a signal that it was my turn to speak.

"Are you even real?" I questioned quietly, involuntarily drilling my dark eyes into his oppositely pale ones. I felt that I could read him easier this way, whoever he was I was adament I would uncover the truth of Harry.

I came up here for answers and just when I get to confront one of the main underscored question marks on my list of queeries, I feel shy and timid. I almost feel afraid to know if he is truly a test of my imagination or something more...unfathomable.

His striking features were set in a frown as he internally battled with himself on exactly how he respond but I waited patiently nonetheless.

"I.." He began shakily before realising a shaky sigh, "I am real"

"But you disappear and then appear. You were here last night but somehow it felt like a dream, I mean, I couldn't even remember how our conversation came to a close. You're so mysterious and I want to understand what the hell is going on but at the same time I am utterly terrified" I counter in an agitated shrunken voice, "Am I loosing my mind?"

He bites his lip and shakes his head in frustration, "You shouldn't be afraid, please don't. It's just that I don't know how to explain myself, I've never done this before" he says tugging his curly hair from the roots in a slightly agitated manner.

"Done what?" I quietly ask, totally enthralled and mesmerised by every single syllable that tumbles from his plush lips.

He brings his diluted forest green gaze from the floorboards and focuses them onto mine, I feel goosebumps arise on my skim simply from his arctic stare.

"Last night, we both said we believed in ghosts, remember?"

I nod slowly not exactly sure where he is leading the conversation.

"Well, I asked because I found it intriguing or...I don't know..." He began to fiddle with his thumbs nervously, a habbit I noticed the time we met as well.

I didn't say anything whilst he attempted to dig up some words in order to explain himself.

"I'm sort of a..." He began but curtly came to a halt, as if he was afraid to tell me or that what he would say may scare me away.

He seemed timdly angelic and endearing despite the current situation.

You're sort of what, Harry?" I asked, trying to help him form a conherient explanation.

He shouldn't be afraid of me, I was positive that whatever he would say would be would be logical or at least I hoped. If anything I should be frightened of him, he had a much larger frame matched with undeniable strength that could be obviously identified by the veins that were visible on his neck, hands and wrists.

"I'm a ghost" he whispered sincerely, iced eyes burning into mine.

It took me a moment to understand fully what he had just said. He cautiously scanned my face waiting for my deliberation.

"A ghost?"

He gently nodded his head, slowly and steadily.

Everything would make sense and formally add up neatly if he truly happened to be the supernatural being that is a ghost. But, the logical Adeline, the annoying one, still felt some allegations of uncertainty.

However, I nudged her off. This was exactly the type of explanation that, somewhere deep in the abyss of my mind, I knew could be possibly be true. I hoped it would be true, if only to confirm my sanity that I knew after the past few days was delicately balancing on the edge of a cliff. I didn't want to end up like my mother, lost and confused and locked away in the confines of a mental institution.

"Please believe me" he begged quietly, somewhat urging a response from me.

It was undeniable, his tone expressed sincerity and as crazy as I hoped I wasn't, I believed him.

"I believe you" I reassured. 

I told him once before that I did believe in the supernatural, ghosts included. It would be horrendously hypocritical to fall back on my words and retract them. There was ever a glimmer of something in the back of my mind that made me think he was possibly deluded and that he was just some homeless guy looking a place to stay and some charity but I couldn't quite bring myself to believe that.

His beautiful face immediately lit up with a grin, a happy grin and I felt a small smile etch its way onto my features similarly just at the sight of his expression.

Within an instant he was no longer in front of me on the floor, instead his body was perched beside mine on the panelled wall, smile still present on those wonderfully pink lips.

"Wow" I breathed.

▒Author's Note:▒

I'm so excited for what is to come for this story - this is only the beginning!!

Thanks so much for all the comments, votes and feedback so far, it truly means the world to me

And im very sorry this chapter is so short but I was in a rush haha sorry xxxxx


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