Chapter 1

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No one's Pov

It has been many years since the destruction of Planet Vegeta and Frieza has done nothing but conquer planet after planet when she recruited the being called the Masked Saiyan.

It has been many years since the destruction of Planet Vegeta and Frieza has done nothing but conquer planet after planet when she recruited the being called the Masked Saiyan

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This person has went up in the ranks to become Frieza's second in command. He has been given the right to kill any of Friezas men that don't follow her orders. One day he showed that he is no one to be messed with. 


He was walking through Friezas Ship heading to the command room because she wanted to see him about something important, she added and when he was on his way he ran into Dodoria, Zarbon and some of Frieza's men. They circled around him as Dodoria said.

Dodoria "We don't care if you think you're strong you'll never be as good as us. You'll always be a weakling."

Zarbon "Mm yes that's true."

Some of the men come up and try to attack him, but he grabbed one by the throat and choked the life out of them and he then appeared behind a bunch of them and started firing Ki at them killing them all except for Dodoria and Zarbon as the two charged at him he grabbed Zarbon by the leg and swung her around smacking Dodoria into the ground then sent Zarbon into the wall. They all hear footsetps they turn around to see the Ginyu Force.

Ginyu "Whats with all the commotion?"

Dodoria "He attacked us."

The masked Saiyan tilted his head to the side and Ginyu saw this and said.

Ginyu "He doesn't start anything unless you tried attacking him first."

Zarbon "What? That's a lie."

Frieza "Oh really now?"

They all turn to see Frieza in front of them. Looking at them angrily.

Frieza "I wanted him in the command center, so I could talk to him, but yet he was late and he's never late. Also I have never seen him attack someone unless you provoked him first."

Zarbon "Lady Frieza."

Frieza "I didn't give you the right to speak. I should kill the both of you, but I still have use for you two. Get out of my sight."

The two go up and left. Frieza then approached YN and said.

Frieza "Follow me."

YN follows her into the command center where everyone else is at and says.

Frieza "I know that you have been here for a while now and you have grown stronger since you've gotten here in fact you've gotten as strong as me in this form. That is why I called you here. I'm making you my second in command. You can give orders and don't have to hesitate to kill any of the members of the frieza army if they do not follow your orders, but you will still report to me if there are any problems or anything you find out. Alright?"

He nods his head and Frieza says.

Frieza "Now off to what you were doing."

He walks to the door and just as he was about to leave he hears Frieza say.

Frieza "Come by my room later on so that I can give you your reward."

He then walks out and runs into Zarbon as she looks at him then leaves as he just sighs and walks away. Then he gets hit with a vision and this one is showing something that is really blurry to him. What was it? He can't really figure out what it was. You think he would have told someone but truth be told, He hasn't spoken a single word since that mask has been put on him.


The body fell to the ground with a thud and then he was placed inside the healing pod the liquid filled up in the tank and while he was in the pod there was someone who was working on a little project. It was a mask that allowed whoever to control someone. Not only did it do that, but it also raised their attack to the point where after each fight they would be 10 to 15 times stronger than what they would without it.

Worker "Lady Frieza it's done."

Frieza "Ah good job. Now how's our guest?"

Soldier "He just woke up."

Frieza "Put the mask on him. He will be a very valuable asset to my army."

She then walked away and the soldiers all had to hold YN down so they could place the mask on him to which he killed many soldiers then when the mask was placed on he stopped moving then just stood up and walked over to Frieza and just stood there with his arms crossed. They ended up making him new armor that would fit his style more than what he was wearing before and after everything no one of the frieza force knew his name so they called him the Masked Saiyan.

Flashback end

The Masked Saiyan (YN) then went back to his room and sat down on his bed then got up and went to Lady Friezas room and she just got in there and the thing was. She was in her final form. On her bed.

( you guys already know what happens during that kind of stuff)

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( you guys already know what happens during that kind of stuff)

Flashback end

Right now The Masked Saiyan is now walking around the base and a bunch of the Frieza Force soldiers are standing at attention to him and he waves his hand to have them continue on with their duties. He then gets stopped by a certain Saiyan Princess and bulk baldy.

End of chapter 1

Male Bardock/Masked Saiyan reader X DBZ/DBSWhere stories live. Discover now