Chapter 4

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YN's Pov (Dream)

I'm looking around and I keep seeing these visions. Visions of me fighting Frieza then getting taken to her ship and a masked being placed on my face and my destroying millions and millions of people. Then it shows a vision of me walking up to Kakarot and I was about to kill him until I picked him up and placed him inside of a pod and sent him to a planet so that he wouldn't die.

??? "Well I didn't expect you to live this long YN."

I turn around and I look for the source of the voice and I spot the Kanassan that gave me the psychic powers.

Kanassan "You were supposed to die along with your race, but Frieza had other plans for you. She brainwashed you, turning you into nothing but a slave. A slave that rose up in her ranks and became her second in command and murdered millions and millions of innocent people."

YN "What are you here for? To keep telling me what I did wrong?"

He didn't speak a word.


Kanassan "I came here to tell you that. I'm surprised that you are even alive. You should have died along with your planet and your race, but you were saved by your own enemy. Then she used you for power and you became her puppet for destruction."

YN "Err. SHUT UP!"

I fire a blast at him and it goes straight through him.

Kanassan "You right now are unconscious on the planet Earth. What are you going to do? Destroy it like you've done to countless planets? Or are you going to actually protect it like your son is doing?"

I didn't speak I just stood there and looked down.

Kanassan "You know it's not too late.

Kanassan/Kakarot "You can fix this."

I look up to see Kakarot on a different planet like I did all those years ago. I sighed as I heard Gine's voice.

Gine "He went missing after he knocked me out and sent me here."

??? "Why did he do that to you?"

Gine "He said that it was to protect me and that he was going to face Frieza and her army by himself."

??? "It's strange that him and goku look so much alike."

Gine "I'm just glad that I have him back. He's been gone for so long and he's missed so much."

Kanassan "Go be with your family YN. Wake up."

He then turned to dust as I closed my eyes and opened them back up.


YN "*Groan* Man how long was I out?"

Gine "YN?"

YN "Yeah?"

I am then jumped on by Gine.

Gine "I can't believe it you're back. You're actually back."

YN "I missed you too Gine."

I wrap my arms around her waist and she wraps hers around my neck we then hear.

??? "*Cough* *Cough*"

I look behind me and I see some people.

YN "Oh hello there."

??? "Hi. I'm Bulma and this."

YN "I know that this is princess Vegeta of the saiyans."

??? "I'm your son's wife nice to meet you sir."

YN "Drop the formalities. I'm not that old just call me YN."

??? "Why does this man look so much like my dad?"

I look behind the woman and I saw a child.

YN "Hey whats your name kid?"

??? "I'm Goten."

YN "Nice to meet you Goten. I'm YN and the reason why your father and I look alike is because I'm his father which makes me your grandfather."

??? "Hehehe hey there I see that you're finally awake."

YN "Huh?"

I turn around and saw Kakarot standing there. With a smile on his face. I get up to my feet and I walk up to him.

YN "Hello Kakarot."

Goku "Hello. Dad."

YN "I got one question for you."

Goku "Whats that?"

Everyone was watching as this was going on and I said.

YN "Do you know where some food is? I'm really starving."

Everyone fell to the ground.

Goku "I feel ya. I'm starving as well."


We get to eat, and it was a lot. Now we are sitting down talking when Kakarot says.

Goku "Lets Spar."

YN "Hmm. Been a while since I've fought someone. Why not."

End of chapter 4

End of chapter 4

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