The Game

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Neal looked flushed. He was still in his travelling clothes. “Barthlow says that you have to strike the first blow for the plinth. He won’t start without it.”

“Barthlow can be a bit…”

“Of a prick? Pain in the neck?  Senseless? Moronic?” Neal supplied.

“Stubborn and superstitious.”

“I am superstitious. What he is," Neal said through gritted teeth, 'is an incompetent fellow."

“Calm down Neal,” Natasha instructed.

“He knew we were starting today. He could’ve told me this beforehand. It could’ve been arranged.” He was drumming his fingers on his palm. “The fool wasted the whole morning.”

“Anger doesn't suit you. It's not that big of a problem.”

“It’s a two hour travel to the arena,” Neal said trying to sound calm, “We should get going.” His voice still quivered a little.

“I’ll go. You stay here,” the empress suggested.

He took a deep breath. “I think that would be better.” He sat down looking at the floor.

“I’ll just inform Commander Antofurota that I forfeit and then I can go.”

“You were playing nisiman?” He looked up at her.

“We didn’t start.”

“You said forfeit.”

“We placed the bets.”

“The usual?” Neal’s lips curled in disgust, “Anything she wants.”


“Damn it.” Neal clasped his wrist.

Natasha rolled her eyes, “What can she ask for? I don’t think she is avaricious.”

“She’s curious.” He grabbed the table. “Why are you people determined to make my life as hard as possible. First the king goes out and tells her about the secret and now you are forfeiting the game. You may as well give her the truth on a silver platter.”

“Surely she doesn’t know,” Natasha started.

“But she’ll ask about it and you will have to tell her.”

The empress did not reply.

“A blabbering king and a gambling addict for the empress,” Neal muttered.

“I’m not a gambling addict,” the empress said with her royal authority.

“I’m sorry,” He lied. “I’ll take care of it. You should go to the arena.”

Natasha rolled her eyes at the exaggeration. “Yes, take care of her.”

“God help Barthlow,” she said getting out of the palace. Neal's anger would subside soon, but the empress was sure that Neal would punish him somehow for the incompetence. Unknown to her, Neal said a silent thanks to Barthlow, before he entered the game room. The reason Barthlow had not informed Neal about requiring the empress's presence was because he assumed that the prince already knew it. Neal knew it and therefore had acted accordingly. The nisiman bets were always the same, and Neal planned to milk the opportunity to the brim.

If a tune is stuck inside your head, it is called a earworm. But since, Sophoe had a sort of flowery smell stuck in her head, she called it a nose worm.  For weeks, she was confused where she had picked it, but then had locked at it in the castle garden. She was at a loss at naming the scent though. As the prince emerged through the door, the smell hit her again and she finally realised that it was Neal's perfume .

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