Turbulence in the Water

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Prince Neal had used the word turbulence in his letter. But what happened under the water would be better described as havoc.

Though the crown princess Maya wore the white pearl of the heiress, she was unsure of a secure coronation. Unlike the starlites or the humans, nymphs tended to have many daughters. The queen had thirteen.

She knew that statistically one or two of them would turn out bad. But she had never imagined them capable of sororicide. The attempt to kill Maya had been hatched by three of her sisters, but they were caught early on and sent to prison, where their fate was to go insane in the absence of humans. None of them had taken the vow.

It had been a mistake to confess her sickness to her daughters. Now they all were eyeing the throne. Queen Raveena knew that she would not see another spring in her life and concluded that the throne would be most secure if Maya sat in it.

Before making the announcement, Queen Raveena called a tri-council meeting.

"I can't bear to see my daughters turn against each other. It is time for me to step down. If I had done it earlier, maybe this would not have happened."

“We all know why you didn’t step down earlier,” Natasha said. "We are all waiting for him."

“It turned out to be a mistake, didn't it? I think I’ll manage better if I am away from the public eye," the queen replied.

“You should do whatever you think best,” Suffle said. “But remember that Maya has not yet taken the vow.”

“I do think it’ll be for the best. My health does not permit me to manage the affairs as efficiently as I would like to. And I’ve talked to Maya. She’ll need me as a liaison to the grounds.”

"Yes," Natasha cried. "Make her the queen and you shall become the ambassador."

“Yes.” Suffle smacked his palm on the table. “Give her the throne, but don’t give her the legacy. She is not ready for it yet.”

Raveena smiled. “And I’m not ready to leave the tri-council.”

“Why don’t you come and live in the castle with me?” Natasha offered.

“No,” Raveena said at once, “as much as I want to, I’m afraid that it will send the wrong message. It will look like I’ve abandoned my subjects or that Maya has banished me, just as she banished her sisters.” Raveena was not sure if living out of the water would be good for her health.

“Yes, you are right,” Natasha said wistfully, “as always.”

“First Sia and now Maya,” Suffle said raising his glass, “our little princesses are becoming queens. I’ll drink to that.”

“I wish Neal would let me step down,” the empress sighed. "I would finally be able to breathe."

"It's a gamble," Suffle reminded her. "You would breathe but what about him?"

Raveena didn't like the expression that emerged on Natasha's face as an answer, so she asked Suffle, "And when will you retire?"

“Never.” Suffle chuckled. “Dai will have to remove my dead body from the throne.”

“I think he’ll just burn the body and order a new throne,” Natasha quipped.

The king chuckled and said, "You know Dai as well as I know Neal." He drank again from his wine glass. "I almost forgot to tell you," Suffle said. "You should start looking for a new colonel. I have heard rumours about Hossier.”

"Rumours?" Natasha smirked. “It’s more like he came over to you for permission. Don't I know how things are done here?"

"Not permission dear, advice." The king smiled. "Nevertheless, it'll be weeks before the formal notice and months after it."

Impossible to Love (Book 1 of The Starlite Heart)Where stories live. Discover now