Chapter Twenty ~ My Diary

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Chapter Twenty ~ My Diary

"'s weird. Don't you think? Hmm found my diary in my bag.. let's see what I've wrote in there. I opened it to the first page and saw Sehun's name. "


I walked to a room where I was alone to read my diary. I wrote in this diary ever since I was little. I got it.. well I forgot but let's read.

" Ah first time to write my diary! Kind of weird hmm, I don't know but I can keep my records of everything heh. If I had a bad day or what not. I hope I'll be able to understand myself when I grow up. I want to understand the word 'Love' and the meaning of it. What I've heard, it's painful to fall in love but also worth it......."

Italics are the things i wrote in my diary. To me.. Love right now is well it could be painful but there's a lot to learn from it, to learn that trusting is something big and to not just trust anyone. I learned that the appearance can be a lie but the heart can never escape from the truth. Yea all that I don't want to get too deep into that. Continuing on with my diary..

" Anyways.. I have this one crush. He's really cute, not just his appearance but he has the sweetest personality. Heh he's really caring too. He always gives me candy to eat and always tries to hang out with me and brings me nice things, like bubble tea. Today.. he tried to ask me to go to the beach with him after school.. I really wanted to so bad!! Instead I'm here writing this diary.. I lied to him saying I had a lot of work to do and my piano lessons. I never even had piano lessons.. My crush.. he's Sehun. He's really popular in school though.. I always tried to avoid him because I just didn't think I was ready for love, although I'd probably regret that one day "

I do regret it! Ah I really wish I hadn't avoid him! There's so much I want to say... that was my very first thing I wrote on my diary. I flip the page.

" It's a Saturday today.. and I think I already miss Sehun.. It's only been less than a whole day without seeing him.. hmm I don't know. I feel so attached. Heh... "

~Sehun's Point of View~

Hmm did (YourName) fall asleep? I walked into the room and saw the lights open. I opened the door and saw her on the bed reading. Looking at something so.. as if she's really interested in the book. Hmm should I go sneak up behind her and see what she's reading? I smiled. I slowly walked and got on the bed and hugged her from behind. She immediately shut the book closed. Something I can't read?

(YourName): You scared me.. when did you come in?

Sehun: I just came in. What were you looking that seemed like you were so into it?

(YourName): ANi(no)... it's.. something..

Sehun: can I see it?

(YourName): Never! It's my diary.. you can't read it.

Sehun: Ahh I see. Mian(Sorry).

(YourName): I actually don't want to keep secrets, you want to read it with me? I just finished the first diary only. I just started on the second one.

Sehun: Sure

We layed on the bed. Her head on my arms. I stare at her and look back at the diary from time to time as she reads it out loud.

" I want to give him a present.. should I? I don't really know what he likes, so I think I'll do that some other time.. like for his birthday.. oh wait.. when's his birthday?! How will I ask him.. do I just ask all of a sudden? It's a bit weird though right? Eh as kids, there's no right and wrong. At this age, we're suppose to make friends. I would love to make friends with Sehun. I'm not sure if we're considered friends because I feel like I avoid him too much..."

Sehun: Yah.. you wanted to be my friend but you still avoid me? You know that it made me so sad..

(YourName): let me finish reading...

" Hmm I'll ask his friends. Heh. I think I'm a little bit to shy. Let's change that in the future. Who do I want to be when I grow up? Of course a celebrity! I have various reasons.. pshh not cause of Sehun.. just cause.. "

Sehun: awe that's so cute.. aish my question actually. Where's my birthday present?

(YourName): What present?

Sehun: the one you said you'd give me..

I pointed at the top of that page for her to understand what I meant when I said present.

(YourName): Ahh that.. it's well.. you see.. I tried giving it to you the year after but I got scared so I waited till the year after.. at the day I wanted to give it to you.. I didn't see you around school, everyone said you left.. somewhere. I didn't know where so I went to the principal. He said you left to China to become a celebrity or something. I held the present in my hands.. I didn't know what to do with it.. you left and never came back.

Sehun: I didn't know that.. Mianhae(sorry).. do you... by any chance, still have that present?

(YourName): I think I do.. I even wrote a letter... I wonder what I wrote it in.. i don't remember it.

Sehun: we'll go pick it up at your house tomorrow? And we'll head to the beach after.

~My Point if View~

I smiled and flipped to the next page. The third diary. Man I wrote a lot.. I wrote one everyday.. wonder how long it'll take me to read this.. Actually I stopped writing it ever since Sehun left. Not right away but after a few months since he left, I gave up. When I found out he was Sehun, I wanted to write in my diary again but I couldn't find it. I guess I found it now.

Me: This is a lot to read.. I will skip to the back?

Sehun: Okay

Me: might be depressing.. you know how you just left.. I was so sad..

Sehun: I don't want to read then.. If I realize how much I put you in before when I left, how will I feel? I've feel so bad.. I don't even want to think about it.

Me: I'll write in my diary then.. and writing in my diary daily has now begun.

I laugh with Sehunnie. I flip to the last page and grabbed my pen from my bag. I wrote the date on the top and began to write, starting out with 'Today'

" Today.. well I found my diary! I can write again.. and guess what? I've find Sehunnie too! We're dating. I'm so happy. To be honest, Sehunnie, you're right next to me.. reading everything I'm writing down. Okay.. well it'll be awkward but I feel like it's a bit easier to write it out than to just say it to you, in person is better but let's just say I'm shy.. heh just like the old times. Sehunnie. I love you. I don't think I'd find you if you didn't come rescue me. I didn't think I'd be seeing you this often if you weren't in EXO with my Oppa, Chanyeol. He's a good brother to me. I'm really happy with you, you know that? I just want to smile twenty four seven because of you. Just thinking of you, seeing you, I can't help but smile. I hope that it's the same for you, especially when I don't want you to be sad anymore. I hope you'll smile a lot more and be able to really really comepletely get over Jenny. I know it sounds a bit selfish.. but I really love you so I really want you to be happy even if it makes me seem like I'm selfish. Ahh so cheesy right? This is a lot for my diary actually.. well since it's been a while that I wrote in here.. ahh well I met all the EXO members and they're really outgoing and protective. I feel like they've all become my brothers and I feel so safe. The biggest thing I'm happy is that I did lose my diary till now because I didn't have to write about JaeHyuk and keep tose memories with me. Although writing it down would help me because it would be more pain to keep it all in. I guess I'm still happy that I wasn't able to write that stuff in my diary.. heh although it's about my life. I'm guessing it's more about Sehunnie.. and how important he is to me. "

Sehun: Awe that's so sweet.

I stand up to put my diary away, he gets off the bed as well and he hugs me tight. He whispers to me "I love you too" He pulls back from the hug and stares at me. He leans in a bit, closer and closer after each second. I close my eyes. His hands are on my waist. Our lips meet. My hands are around his neck as we kiss.

...To Be Continued~~~

Heh well I found time to upload today~ Hope you like this chapter! Thank you for reading!! It means so much(: have a good day<3

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