Chapter Forty ~ Still You [LAST CHAPTER]

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Chapter Forty ~ Still You

" We laughed multiple times, we've shouted multiple times, we've clapped multiple times, all because of this drama. It was really funny but some parts really upset some of them because they really wanted the guy to just date the girl already but instead he asked another girl out. This Christmas, I was able to spend the time with the people whom I love, how about you? "


It's a new year, new memories are created, new dreams are created, 2015 is our year. Love is still in the air. Referring back to 2014, it's been a crazy year hasn't it? Bumping into Sehun again, remembering about the past, learning about the past, realizing that From The Start, Sehun was the one for me, being hurt by JaeHyuk, learning to forgive JaeHyuk, learning to be friends with JaeHyuk and Jenny even after all the chaos, being in depression, remembering the old me, the girl who was named MinHee but now (YourName), the girl who never really forgotten about Sehun, the girl who finally came to accomplish her dreams of being a singer for Sehun, the girl who's now found a place in the world. It's been a pretty tough year hasn't it? In the end of 2014, it was like the missing piece of a puzzle was found that helped solve almost everything. The only thing that is out of place is that maybe I'm a whole other person, not the same happy girl who loves to drink bubble tea with Sehun, with depression it's a little harder. Inside of me, is a war, i fight to smile. Each time i laugh, I'm having a war within myself. Memories are left with me. The scars on my heart are still there like a tattoo, but they slowly fade away, day after day. Each war I win, the tattoo fades little at a time. Therefore I'd have to smile and laugh more. In 2015, I want to stick out, be different, and be me, not the old 2014 me, not the eight year old me, but the 2015 me.

Sehun: MinHee ah.. what do you want to accomplish within this new year?

Me: Just be with you, happily ever after. How about you?

Sehun: I just want to be able to keep you as mine, and to make sure I'll never leave you again, especially without telling you.

Me: What is this? There has to be more that we want to accomplish this year!

Sehun: I can't be greedy because I already have you, it's all I ever needed.

Me: do you remember you told me the same thing way back before?

Sehun: yep, i remember all of it.

Sehun: Sometimes i feel lonely, but you're the one who makes me feel different, and actually in this world.

Me: Sehunnie.. everyone knows you like me.. so what are you trying to prove?

Sehun: I'm just thankful i have you because you're my happiness.

Me: why not hang out with your friends? or find some other people to hang out with? Other people can make you happy too.. i bet you'll find a pretty girlfriend one day.

Sehun: I can't be greedy because I already have you, it's all i ever needed.

Me: huh?

Sehun: I only need you, no one else. That girlfriend of mine is you. Someday, you'll be it. I promise you.

~End of Flashback~

Sehun: you acted like you were so mean! You were like "everyone knows you like me.. so what are you trying to prove"

Sehun imitates me. We both laughed so hard but in the end came to a smile, while looking into each other's eyes.

Me: I didn't want others to know i liked you.. i tried to give you hints without other people knowing! But you just never got it.. but again it was a mistake ive made, i should have confronted or at least say yes when you asked me to be your girlfriend.

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