Chapter Seven

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Rogue POV


I believe me and Kagura had fun on our little date I blushed and looked at the ground trying to avoid eye contact to her as she was doing the same it was silent for a while I wondered what she was thinking as I thought that both of us raised our heads. to look at each other and blushed even more I can't do it she is so hot and out of my league I looked at her once more "So um Kagura?" she raised her head and tilted it "Yes rogue what is it ?" As she blushed and smiled "D-Did you have fun tonight !?" I looked her straight in the eye while blushing "I wish Frosch was here he would have loved to go on the rides with you." I looked down in embarrassement for having motion sickness and not being able to join the rides with her I'm afraid of I got on another ride I would've die. Kagura looked at me again "Are you okay ?" She had a looked of concern in her eyes I got caught starring into her eyes that were being lit by the starry night as I stared back at her and nodded "I'm fine kagura " I was almost close to her house "We're almost to your house kagura ." As I looked ahead and pointed to the white and purple house "So it seems I am rogue ." she sounded saddened and looked down again "Well at least I had fun correct ?" she smiled even more and leaned onto me while walking I rubbed my head and laughed nervously "You are correct ." we arrived at her house and looked at each other again "Well kagura bye I'll see you tomorrow again I guess at 12:39 p.m " She nodded her head "I'm sorry I won't be able tomorrow ." she leaned up against me and kissed my cheek and hugged me tightly "Good night rogue ." she entered her door and closed the door as I rubbed my cheek to the spot she kissed and walked away from her house .

Kagura Pov


I closed the door silently so no one knew I went out with rogue as yukino was sleeping on the table she was probably waiting my return "So you stayed up hoping I would return didn't you." I let out a huge and long sigh "Idiot ." I closed my eyes and she quickly woke up sending me Into a shock "Um Huh Kagura is that you ?" she rubbed her eyes looking tiredly at me after she got done rubbing her eyes she widen them and rushed towards me into a tackle hug "Don't ever do that kagura you have to tell me where you've been I was worried sick !" as she stayed hugging me I let out another long sigh"You don't have to worry so much yukino ." I petted her head "I was with rogue today that's all !" as a tint of red blushed was slapped across my face "But tomorrow don't bother me alright ?" she released me and raised an eyebrow "Why not Kagura ." I glared at her "It's best if you don't ask .!" as my glared softened on her "I'm sorry I'll go to bed now...sorry for worrying you."

Everyone Pov


As tomorrow came kagura stayed in her bed and looked at the photo and then outside it was gray and pouring down with rain "Simon ." she whispered to her self .Kagura dressed in all black and grabbed the flowers she bought yesterday as she went out the door and she grabbed an umbrella and opened it walking to the grave yard where everyone else has lost their loved ones She sighed deeply and Looked at the old worn out grave that had his name craved into it "Hi oniisan I'm doing good today like always I've been staying strong just for you."  as the pouring of the rain was Deafening her voice "I miss you so much you know?"As I tear slide down her face every time she talked she bent down to place the flowers there and did a quick prayer before leaving and heading back to the house without looking back at all and holding her head Down still silently crying......

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