chapter 2

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the bell rang to say class is starting. Mr. Conrad walked in good morning class a few people said good morning. he said we are starting a class project today every one has to have a partner. that's when the boy from the bus walked in.

sorry I'm late i had a little trouble finding the classroom.

Mr.Conrad asked are you new

yes i am just moved from Delaware. i moved into the house on bonar street at 1374.

Mr. Conrad said have a seat any were you like.

he walked to the back of the room and sat down next to me.

hey he says


i never caught your name.

it Jason

i smiled a real smile

he smiled back.

Mr.Conrad said well the the project we are doing is creating a billboard ad. every one has to have a partner. you need to bring in poster bored and anything else you think you might need. well lets get started. pick your partner and then get started. Jason turned to me 

well lets get started.

OK i said i smiled as i turned to him.

what do you want to do for the ad. like what would you want to advertise.

you pick

no you pick

fine what about we write a book and advertise it.

that's not a bad a idea i like it.

OK you get the poster bored and i will get every thing else.

sounds like a plan.

the bell rang for second period. i was hoping he was in most if not all of my classes. i could tell he would become popular fast he is tall tan brown hair and so cute. hes a really nice boy hes caring even when he doesn't even know you.

next class social studies. all we are doing today is notes.

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