Amelia Emmalyn Price (UPDATED)

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"What is the point of being alive, if you spend your whole life in misery?"



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Full Name: Amelia Emmalyn Price
Faceclaim: Lara Fabian
Species: Human

- Agent Price (during missions/meetings/official S.H.I.E.L.D. business or by S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents she trains)
- Mrs Price (by her students)
- Amy (by the people close to her)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Date of Birth: 26th of August, 1980
Date of Death: Unknown

Place of Birth: Bath, England

Place of Death: Unknown

- S.H.I.E.L.D. (currently)
- The Avengers (currently)

Family Members:
- Joseph Lucas Price - Father - Alive
- Catherine Olivia Price - Mother - Alive
- Henry Fredrick Price - Older Brother - Alive
- Jared Benjamin Price - Older Brother - Alive
- Gregory Michael Jonson - Husband - Dead
- Perseus Jonathan Jonson - Son - Alive

"I can be sarcastic or I can kick you. The choice is yours"

 The choice is yours"

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Amelia is a loving and caring woman. She will always be there for her family and for her friends, even if that is draining her or putting her in danger. She will listen to their problems and give them advice, advice that she most likely won't follow in a similar situation. However, she might be a bit harsh and a bit blunt at times. She believes that sweet talk never got anyone anywhere. She is a rather outgoing person and she really enjoys going out and going to parties and meeting new people. Exactly because she cares so much about the people close to her, she tends to be overprotective. As a mother, she's not very strict, but she doesn't let her son get away with doing something wrong. She wants to make sure that her son grows up a good person - she wants him to be successful as well, but it's more important to her that he doesn't turn out to be an asshole. She tries to stay optimistic since she knows that negative thinking will not get her anywhere and she won't benefit from it in any way whatsoever. As a person, Amelia is very adaptable and change isn't something that really bothers her and as a result she has trouble understanding people's negative feelings that have to do with change. As an agent, she is very strategic and she can think fast on her feet, which comes in handy when things go wrong. She's not afraid to make tough decisions or take a fall for her team. These qualities are the qualities that make her a great leader. Yet, she is quite reckless and that has got her in trouble and injured, but most of her missions are successful, so not many people comment on her recklessness.

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