Chapter one

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The town was quiet this night, there weren't any merchants or beggars in the streets, all you could hear were the zipping noises and grapples of odm gear from above. "Levi split northeast patrol Oscar on whiskey!" Commander Erwin yelled his orders at Levi from a great distance. Levi nodded and flew to the northeast of the town, this part of town hasn't had any encounters in 9 years since its close to the brotherhood settlement.

Levi landed on top of a destroyed building "Tch  why would Erwin make me patrol here? I thought only recruits patrol this area..." Levi mumbled to himself. "Unless he's expecting someon..." a sharp slash ripped through his metal chest platting and he tumbled off the building. He finally gained his balance and shot his grapples. Chasing the figure that attacked him, Levi loaded his buckshot pistols and began to gain speed, he finally reached the figure and grappled the floor beneath him which set him flying foward. He aimed and shot towards the figure only grazing them. He reloaded and was about to fire when another sharp slash hit his chest yet again this time he fell to the ground but not before he hit the enemy with one shot.

Levi felt his chest and felt his blood gushing out of him. He looked at his hand painted with his blood and got up, Erwin and his small platoon landed on the ground and ran to Levi. "Are you wounded? We heard your gun shots! Did they escape?" Erwin asked as he helped Levi regain his balance, "I'm fine and I don't think he or she escaped...I shot the enemy once hitting its leg." Levi groaned, "look for the body men! Was it Spartan company? Erwin asked. "No... well atleast I don't think so...the enemy was covered in a black cape and used swords for some reason." Levi explained as Erwin patched him up.

"Commander Erwin we found the body and it looks like she's still alive!" Jean screamed from the distance.

Both Levi and Erwin rushed towards the body, the unconscious female was covered in a black cape that had a star on the back and her gear was old, she wore the gear the standard military gear issued before the great civil war. Levi removed the hood and looked at the raven haired girl. "Take off her gear, we're taking her in for questioning." Erwin said, his eyes were filled with a sinister yet curious look.

In the wagon Levi glared at the unconscious raven haired girl the whole way to the scout settlement. Studying her face and body and the weird marks she had on her hands.

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