Chapter 8

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Mikasa could hear the soft snore coming from the guard outside her cell. She sat in silence thinking of her clan and Eren...she suddenly began to feel a sharp pain in her head.


"Sit." Erwin gestured Levi to sit.

Levi closed the door behind him and sat down.

"I'm taking Petra from your squad." Erwin immediately said and handed Levi a piece of paper with all the squads in the scout clan. He looked for his and found it, he only saw three names now.

"I better be getting a replacement, you can't keep sending me out to wipe out entire platoons with only three men as back up." Levi mumbled and grabbed the pen Erwin handed to him.

"You choose." Erwin said and studied Levi's face.

Levi sighed and thought for a moment. He finally wrote a name on the paper and passed it to him.

Erwin read the name and nodded.

"You seem to have taken a liking in our new prisoner huh? Going down to see her at almost midnight." Erwin suddenly said as Levi was about to walkout.

Levi looked back to Erwin, his eyes cold and heartless.

"Same could be said to you about Petra huh? Making her your personal assistant knowing damn well she's better off cleaning shit from your ass. Unless that's what's she's going to do." Levi growled and slammed the door behind him.


Annie looked at the bunks... there were only two now...the other one that Petra slept on was taken by the infirmary. The first bunk Jean and Connie slept in and the second Levi slept in.

"Where am I sleeping?" Annie mumbled as she starred at all the cleaning materials on the table.

"...I guess with me..." Levi answered and moved his pillow to end of the bunk. Annie sighed and nodded.


"How's the leg?" Levi asked and sat on the uncomfortable bed.

"You mean the one you shot? Oh it's just fine." Mikasa snapped at Levi.

Levi uncovered Mikasas leg and looked at the wound. It had began to heal already and with the medication it would be healed in a matter of days. Levi covered her leg back up and starred at Mikasa. Hm.

"I made you part of my team once you heal up." Levi said looking at her hair. Mikasa nodded and sat in silence.

"I like your hair." Levi suddenly said.

Mikasa shook off the compliment.

"Thanks...maybe when I get out of this shithole I'll cut it." Mikasa said coldly.

Levi nodded and reached and felt her hair.

Mikasa froze and watched him feel her hair. Her cheeks turned red.

"I can cut it right now if you want."


Levi felt her hair between his fingers as he cut it off. The whole time Mikasa stared at the deep cut in his chest when the light went through his loose undershirt.

"I'm sorry..." Mikasa finally said and touched Levi's chest lightly.

"It's fine..." Levi said softly concentrated on his cutting.

"I tried to kill you too you know...." Levi joked. His eyes soften and he paused and studied Mikasas hair.

"You're done." He said.

Mikasa stood up and looked at herself in the broken mirror.

"You kinda fucked it up." She said as she felt her short hair. This time her hair didn't even reach to her neck.

"I like it." Levi mumbled and washed his hands.

"I guess that all that matters to you huh?" Mikasa asked and turned towards him.

"Yep." Levi said and moved her hair to the side.

"Erwin thinks I'm having intercourse with you." Levi suddenly said...he said it so calm.

Mikasas eyes widened with embarrassment.

"I mean it makes sense that people would think I was fucking is pretty late..." Levi said and sat down.

"...I did strip me..." Mikasa said softly.

"You don't care about boundaries do you?" She asked and chuckled and looked at Levi.

Levi looked at her eyes, why the fuck do they glow like that?.

"I guess I don't." Levi answered and stared at her.

Mikasas head began to hurt.


Levi entered the barracks, everyone was asleep except for Annie.

He sat on the end of the bunk and took off his gear. Annie stared at him as he took off his shirt and his muscles appeared.

Levi finished and laid down, he turned towards Annie.

"You think we'll ever have sex?" Levi suddenly asked.

Annie nodded and reached in his pants.


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