Chapter 2

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Levi smashed through the window and shot two men who were talking, he reloaded and shot the woman that was cooking. He slid through the whole building shooting every person he saw. He finally came out...blood covering his suit and sighed.

"It's done Erwin, leave the body's... let the corpses be a message to all spies who think they can infiltrate our land without our consent." Levi said as he wiped the blood off his face.

Erwin glared at Levi with a concerned look, "What's wrong Levi? You know we didn't have to kill them...even if they were spies." Erwin asked holding Levi back from flying away.

Levi frowned and pushed off Erwin's hand, "I'm shut up and let's go to the next holdout. They aren't going to kill themselves." Levi said and flew away.


"Are you gonna talk? Glaring at me with those grey eyes aren't going to get you out of here...besides we'll probably skin you alive and feed you to dogs before we let you go." Levi said and pointed his pistol to the grey eyed woman strapped to a chair.

"You were a scout right? Scouting the area before the invasion? But your little clan didn't know we use guns now and cannons huh? I say that because your little army was wiped out in a matter of seconds..." Levi said in a intimidating voice rubbing the pistol on the woman's forehead.

" bastard" the grey eyed woman said clutching her teeth.

" the way I guess you were close to a Eren...Mikasa?" Levi asked and took out a note that he found on her body.

"You fucking bastard! I'll kill you!" Mikasa screamed and struggled on the chair trying to break free.

"Don't worry he's in a better only took one buckshot to the head and his brains all over the walls to get him there." Levi sighed and stared at his pistol.

Mikasa finally gave up and began to sob. "What do you want from me you monster?!" She sobbed.

"Im a monster? Weren't you planning on invading us? Weren't you going to kill every single one of us? That's what you told Eren. Shut the fuck up and face the facts Mikasa...we're all monsters in this world." Levi said and knocked Mikasa to the floor, placing his foot on her chest.

"Anyways I'm not a monster...I'm a demon... and this demon needs answers..."



Levi finished off the rest of the spies and went back to their holdout. He landed softly and put his pistols in his holster, he walked to his room and entered. He sighed and collapsed on his bed...he thought about everything he has done since the civil war...everyone he killed...everyone he tortured... then he drifted off into a deep sleep.


So how do you guys feel about this type of story? I know it's way more darker than my other story but I feel like this is more realistic despite the fact that this won't ever happen in the canon series 😂

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