Chapter 4

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Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

That's all Yoongi could think as he hastily unlocked his door and threw off his shoes. That's all he could think as he defeatedly dropped onto his bed and put the heels of his palms over his eyes. He let out a frustrated groan and several aggressive 'fuck's.

See, this is why you can't get attached to people, Yoongi. You're so stupid to think he would actually like you like that. You're stupid to think he would even like you at all. Of course you were just a game to him, what else could it be? They were right.

Yoongi's thoughts started running wild. He couldn't control the negative words filling up his mind. Yoongi ran his hands through his hair.

Clingy. Annoying. Desperate. Controlling. Stupid. Possessive. Overbearing.

Yoongi shook his head vigorously to rid himself of the thoughts. He rubbed his face and sighed deeply. When he removed his hands he stared at the ceiling for a few seconds.

"Well this sucks," Yoongi said.

Waking up to concerned texts from Jimin was not the best way to start his morning. Just the sight of Jimin's name made his stomach drop and his heart hurt. Yoongi contemplated ghosting him until he remembered that Jimin really is Yoongi's only close friend at the moment. Yoongi, sighed, tried to push down the sick feeling in his gut, and texted Jimin that he was alright.

For the next few weeks, Yoongi struggled to act normal. Now that he had been broken out of his delusion that Jimin could've actually liked him, he noticed the flirting even more. How had he not noticed before? Too caught up in yourself to remember the world doesn't revolve around you, huh? Every time he caught himself getting upset Yoongi would have to remind himself that Jimin had no obligation to actually like him, and that Jimin was his own person who could do whatever he wants and flirt with whoever he wants. Similar to the things the school counselor had told him years ago.

It would get better. Then it would get worse. But Yoongi was still always painfully aware of Jimin's flirting, whether it was with him or others. And Yoongi still couldn't help the rise of his heart rate whenever it was with him. Yoongi considered trying to distance himself from Jimin, but he couldn't. Regardless of his unrequited feelings, Jimin was still so much fun to be around, and Yoongi felt happy when he was with him (sans the occasional stab of jealousy). He really was his best friend.

After those painful few weeks of struggling with his own feelings, Yoongi accepted his fate.

Weeks passed. Spectrum grew. Money was flowing in regularly now, something that Yoongi was more than happy about. Maybe he could finally afford to get his air conditioning fixed.

As well as getting new equipment, the Spectrum team also gained some new members. Notably, there was Namjoon, a new writer, and Seokjin, a new photographer. They were notable to Yoongi because the were the only two who had reached out and tried to make friends with Yoongi. Yoongi got along with Namjoon almost instantly. From the get go, Yoongi could tell that Namjoon was highly intelligent and insightful, but playful and humble enough to not be pretentious. His hair was dyed silver, with his dark overgrown roots showing. Like Jimin, he had a captivating smile. It didn't make Yoongi's heart speed up like Jimin's, but it made him feel comfortable and understood. Yoongi liked Namjoon a lot.

Seokjin was a little harder for Yoongi to warm up to immediately. He was really funny, constantly cracking jokes both when the camera was on and off. Seokjin and Yoongi only met because Yoongi was standing close-ish to Seokjin during a shoot, so he was the audience to most of Seokjin's jokes. Despite the jokes, however, Seokjin took his craft very seriously, and was very good at it. The angles, lighting, and expressions he captured were simply fantastic.

Where did Spectrum find all these great people? The gays stay winning I guess.

With these new people, it Yoongi's relationship with Jimin became easier. Yoongi was able to control his jealousy enough for it not to affect his behavior or his perception of Jimin. Unfortunately, the feelings were still very, very much there.

How could they leave when Jimin still smiled at Yoongi like that?

A bit of a shorter chapter before we get into The Juice lmao. It feels good to write this story again.

Also uhhhh idk if y'all are interested but here's the sexualities of all the characters:
Yoongi: bisexual
Jimin: gay
Jungkook: gay
Taehyung: bisexual
Hoseok: asexual and gay
Namjoon: bisexual
Seokjin: gay
Seulgi: lesbian

And I think thats all the characters so far???? N e ways thats that on that lol. Hopefully the next chapter will be out really soon!!

Later losers,

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