Heroine x Kyoya Hibari - Match

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"What is your intention, Rune?" Hibari asks before he lights up his cigarette.

"Um," she... already know what is one her mind. However, she just has no courage to say it out. Actually, the thing is quite simple and it is that she wants him to cancel the match with Mukuro-san. That is because of her bestie, Chrome-chan wants to have a date with Mukuro-san even just once.


"Um, I won't let you go,"

"Why?" he demands an answer.

"No reason, but I won't let you go," she continues as she stretches out her arms.

"Move," he says coldly.

"No!" she yells.

"I said move, Runa!" his voice becomes impatient.

"I said no, Hibari-san!" she shouts, embracing Hibari's arm as well when he is about to bump her out of his way.

"Then tell me your main reason first, about why I must not have a match this pineapple head!?"

"He, he just got out from hospital and surely he needs some rest to-"

"He doesn't deserve to get your sympathy!" he cuts her word, tilting up her face by force. By only looking at his pair of violet eyes, she can tell that Hibari is quite furious. She feels scared by it, but of course she doesn't know that Hibari is threatening her on purpose. His only main reason is, he is super jealous that Runa gives her sympathy to Mukuro while he never get one.

"Do not ever forget that you are mine, Runa!" he continues.

"I, I know," she says as she touches his hand. "But-"

"No buts," he grunts and immediately order her to open her mouth. Feeling it doesn't make sense, she refuse to do it. However, Hibari keep insist her to do it and it leads she gives up and do what he asks;

"ih ahh ihahh?" (is that enough) she asks.

"Wider," he whispers.

Slowly, she opens her mouth more wider but Hibari keep telling her to open it more wider.

"ae hans hor han his," (I can't more than this)

He ignores her, but then he smirks,

"Hihari-han?" (Hibari-san)

Suddenly, she notices that his face slowly come closer to hers. He also open wide his mouth and of course Runa doesn't get the idea what he is going to do.

"Y.O.U.A.R.E.M.I.N.E.R.U.N.A," he growls before he locks her mouth with his. Runa super surprise with the sudden attack, her face become as red as beetroot one she feels Hibari's tongue inside her mouth.

"Hnng~" she shrieks between the kiss. While Hibari, he just ignore her whining and keep exploring her mouth.

"Hibari-san..." she cries out his name, crumpling his white shirt; while he is teasing her earlobe. He doesn't give her any quick respond instead a hum.

"My cell phone... it's ringing,"

"Just ignore it," he replies, suddenly bites her crook. She jolts by the sudden action and cry.

"B-But, it keeps ringing,"

"Tch!" he grunts and then picks her cell phone up without asking permission first. He feels he doesn't need to do the intro first as the cherry voice from the other side of the phone immediately saying this,

"Really! Thank you for your help, Runa!" it is Chrome. "Finally, I have a date with Mukuro-san,"

"So that is why you keep insisted me to not go have a match with Mukuro?!" Hibari grunts again. The Chrome who still chatting up over the phone gets an ignore and the calls cut after as Hibari hung it up immediately.

"W, what are you talking about?" Runa plays innocent. Though she knows, it is no use. 

"...You must take responsibility, Runa...:

"O, over what?" she yells, her face turns really red. She... already know what is the meaning behind Hibari's word that he just say it out to her a sec before.

"Don't play dumb," he continues as he kisses her forehead and after that he princess carry her.

"W-, Where are you going to bring me, Hibari-san?"

"To continue the match, of course!" he replies and brings her to the second floor.

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