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-I like you.

Sans blinked. He couldn't have heard it right... Right? With the insomnia keeping him up all night, Paps dragging him to grocery shopping and finally paying Tori a favor and picking Frisk at school and driving her home, he was probably just too tired and starting to misheard things. Yup, that was probably it. Sans was about to open his mouth to ask the kid to repeat herself when she talked again.

-I like you, Sans - Frisk looked directly at his eye sockets while saying it, exhaling Determination.

Silence took place at the Dreemurr's front yard. Welp, there was no doubt now. Is that why she have been acting so weird lately? Sans scratched the back of his skull, looking at anywhere but the determined... teen? Frisk could barelly be considered a teen at this point. What a situation! He tried working on an appropriated reply but all the words seemed to have vanished from his lazy mind.


-No, let me finish! - fortunately the girl interrupted his pathetic attempt - I'm not saying it in hope you will like me back, I know you don't. I... I know - she scratched her arm, also looking elsewhere with a bothered expression - I know I'm way too young for you.

Sans sighed, relieved. At least the kid understood that much. So what was that confession about?

-T-the thing is! - Frisk looked back at him - I've been trying to move on and I... well, it's not working. I'm really trying, but it's been months... and the girls said... - Frisk made a small pause, like she was gathering courage - They said I can't move on because you've never actually rejected me, so... That's why I'm saying this. So you can reject me. So I can move on.

She was done. The girl looked at the skeleton, waiting with a firm look. Frisk was almost as high as Sans now, she barelly had to look up at him for that matter. He rubbed his forehead, a slight wrinkle of frustration between his bone brows.

-Uh... do I really have to do this, kid? Tibia honest, ya kinda said it all. My answer, my reasons... Ya know it all already. Right?

-Yes I know! But... I really, really need to hear you saying it - she tightened her small fists beside her body - Please, Sans... Reject me.

Sans starred at the small figure for a moment before finally sighing, defeated. He shoved his hands inside his pockets and looked inside that determined golden eyes.

-Alright. You're way too young and there's no way I can be with ya right now. Sorry, kid. - he added quickly, realizing maybe his words have been too harsh.

Frisk listened still, her fists still closed, her lips pressed in a thin line. Sans was thinking that she handled it alright when the girl suddenly burst into tears. Heavy, painful, uncontrollable tears. Sans' bone brows raised in allarm as he watched the young teen sob and hide her face in her hands.

-Wait, kid - the monster gave one uncertain step towards Frisk, filled with guilt, trying to decide if a hug would make things better or worse for her - I... I didn't mean to make ya cry, sorry, I was too...

-N-no!! - Frisk croaked behind her hands - I needed that! I... Uh... - she sobbed again.

Sans raised his hand to place it in her shoulder but the girl dodged him, reaching for the doorknob behind her and rapidly entering the house. Before the door closed completelly, Frisk's red wet eyes looked for Sans one more time.

-Thank you.



"Thirteen year old Frisk was surely overly sensitive", eighteen year old Frisk thought to herself. "Hormones... Definitelly not my best moment"

Frisk couldn't help feeling embarassed from that memory. She did recall apologizing later for overreacting, but that fact did little to dim the discomfort she was feeling right now. Oh well, at least time fixed it all in the end. She moved on from her childish crush, her friendship with the skeleton eventually went back to it's normal path and she have managed to live a pretty standart life throught her teen years. Well, as standart as possible considering she was the living bridge between two races and all.

The human girl starred at nowhere, reliving the rejection once more. Her Determination being shattered by Sans' words, the guilt in his eye sockets, the pain she felt inside her chest while she cried an ocean of tears that night, unable to sleep... 

"God..." Frisk closed her eyes and rubbed both hands on her face, eyebrows frowned.

"I can't believe I'll have to do this again"


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