The famous three words

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"I'm on my way" 

The doors from the most famous bar in the whole Underground were abruptly opened when a human girl bursted inside it and rushed through the crowded room, filled with Determination. The slacker bartender turned at the human with great enthusiasm in her voice. 

-Frisk, have you seen Nora's tattoo? It's the most beautiful thing ever, I could look at it all d... 

But Frisk completely ignored the flaming fenix and shoved her hand in her own purse, fishing for her wallet.

-Uh, where's the fire, Frisk? - the other human asked, giggling - You know, aside from hot girl here. 

-Sorry girls, but I need to go. Uhh... Boy problems. 

-Boy problems? - Nora seemed very interested, but Frisk didn't have the time for that. 

-Yeah, Fuku can tell you about him. I'm leaving. Sorry again.

-Do you need help, dear? - Fuku had a concerned look in her eyes when accepting the money Frisk was handing her, but the girl shook her head. 

-No, thanks. It's not... I can't tell you this time, but don't worry. I can handle it. 


"Hey, Sans! Do you know who is an useless piece of garbage?" 


"C'mo-on, I know you do!"

-Shut up... 


A minute later Frisk was hopping aboard the River Person's boat, more thankful than ever for the new tunnel that connected the underground river with the surface. The tall cloaked figure hummed when seeing her, as usual. 

-Tra la la. The angel is here... Tra la la.

-Are you talking about yourself by any chance? - Frisk winked.

Even on emergencies she couldn't help flirting, it was just stronger then her.

-Tra la la. Tri li li. Tre le le.

...Even with people that didn't care at all. Oh, well, no problem.

-Dear, can we please go fast? My... My friend needs help. Sans, you know?

-Tra la la. If it's hot or cold, you can count on me.

-I'll take it as an "yes". Thank you.

The boat started vibrating under them. Four wooden legs magically grew on its hull and the bow shape suddenly shifted into a cat-like head. It then proceeded to jump over the river with great speed, faster than Frisk had ever seen it travel.

Yes, the River Person heard her.


"Knock knock" 


"C'mon Sans, answer me!!" 

-...Who's there? 

"Delivery for the useless piece of garbage! Look, it's the memories of all the mistakes you've ever made!! Let's replay it!!" 

-...You ain't funny. 

"I'm not supposed to be" 


Frisk arrived at Ebott docks, quickly thanking the River Person before sprinting to the cab station. There were no cabs.

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