You Make Me Happy

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"What are you doing with the poor girl? You should have rejected her when you got the chance, that way she would be free. Free of you, free of your misery, free of your worthless self"

-I'm being a lazy selfish piece of shit, k?! - Sans answered the voice in his head, grunting and pressing his pillow above his skull in a poor attempt of shutting it down.

Ok, nothing new at our favorite skeleton's place. Let's move on to Ebott Park, shall we?... 

Frisk was panting. She crawled over herself, grabbing on her painful guts and fighting to catch her breath. Her legs were stinging, her back was aching, her whole body felt sore and sweat soaked her old clothes to the very last fiber. She have had better moments, that's for sure. 

-Gave up already, punk? 

At this sound the girl made a huge effort to stand up, cleaned the sweat on her forehead with her arm and looked up to Undyne's single eye, heavily breathing. The former head of the royal guard was wearing the plaid headband that Frisk bought her at the street market and had a mocking toothy smile on her face. She had barely start sweating, even though it was a quite sunny morning and the path they were jogging at had almost no shadows.

-A-ha, I guess so... - Frisk scratched the back of her head. Her short ponytail was also soaked - Well, today I kept running for almost ten minutes more than last time. Give me one more month and I'll run for a whole hour non-stop, you'll see! - she gave her friend a brave smile, despite the exhaustion.

-That's the spirit!! - Undyne bumped the girl's fist, smiling back - But you should stop for today, you look like you can faint at any second! Here, hop on! Let's catch Papyrus on the next turn!

Undyne turned her back at Frisk and bent her knees a bit so the girl could get on her back. Usually people would stop carrying you around when you grow up, mainly because you get heavy, but also because it gets pretty awkward. None of this were ever a problem for the ridiculously strong fish lady, she would rather carry Frisk than waiting for her, Undyne hated waiting more than anything. So they just kept doing it. So what if people stared? Humans usually stared at monsters anyway. 

They did manage to catch Papyrus a minute later. Undyne yelled to get his attention.

-PAPYRUS!! - lots of stares from strangers - Frisk is leaving!

The tall skeleton heard it and did a sudden 180° flip to run towards them. He also looked fine and Frisk couldn't help being jealous about it, she was positive she looked like a sweaty crap.


Well, here was her confirmation in case she needed one. If even Papyrus thought she didn't look good, she did indeed look like crap. Undyne let Frisk down and the girl turned to the loud skeleton with a sheepish smile. 

-I'm tired, Paps, that's all. I just can't run as much as you guys do.

-HUMAN! - Papyrus grabbed her shoulders with both hands, bending his knees to level with Frisk's height and look into her eyes - I KNOW IT'S A LONG, LONG WAY TO CATCH UP WITH THE GREAT PAPYRUS' RUNNING SKILLS, BUT THERE'S NO NEED TO BE INTIMIDATED, I BELIEVE IN YOU! YOU ARE DOING GREAT!! YOU COULDN'T RUN FOR FIVE MINUTES WHEN YOU FIRST JOINED US, REMEMBER? YOU HAVE GREAT POTENTIAL, SO DON'T GIVE UP! - he gave the girl a huge reassuring smile.

-Thank you, I'm not giving up! - Frisk smiled back, Papyrus truly had the best motivational speeches. Her sore legs on the other way didn't seem convinced enough - Uh, but maybe I'll give up just for today... 

-If you didn't give up for today I would drag you home myself, punk!! - Undyne grinned above her - If you pass out here your mother's gonna be really pissed with us.

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