Dating start!

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Author's note: in Ebott City, the legal age for drinking is 18. Why? Because that's the law in my country and I do what I want! XD

(and who waits 'til the legal age anyway? I didn't) 


"I'm not rejecting ya this time. I'm accepting your confession instead"

Inside the senior's classroom on Ebott Monster-Human School, the clock ticked 3 o'clock and the teacher anounced the end of the test, leaving lots of students grunting. On the other hand, the ambassador apprentice had a dreamy smile on her face. Frisk had finished her test ten minutes ago and have been savoring the memories of her non-rejection probably for the hundredth time. 

Even after almost a week have passed, sometimes Frisk still found it hard to believe that these words had truly came from Sans' mouth. Sans' lipless, delicious mouth. Lord, she missed that mouth already. She missed Sans' lovely grin, and his easy laugh, and his deep, husky voice whispering in her ear while his long fingers wrapped her waist, right before he leaned towards her neck, his breath caressing her skin, sending shivers through her spine and... 

-Miss Dreemurr? 

Frisk jumped on her chair, startled. The girl only needed a second to recall where she was, then she raised a sheepish look to the old human teacher, who had his hand raised and was waiting for her paper. She delivered it with a flirty smile and a wink, then rushed to get out of the class. Only after she had almost reached the school's garden it hit her: it was over. Finals week was over. And in her head this only meant one thing:

She would get to date Sans tonight. 

Her heart jumped inside her chest and Frisk threw a closed fist in the air, jumping and performing a full pirouette in the middle of the sunny garden. The happiness was just too much to handle, that was a dream coming true after all, an impossible, wild dream that started when she was only thirteen. She got a date with Sans. Oh my!!

-Golly, nice jump! Last test is over, Frisk? 

For the second time in that minute, Frisk was startled. She didn't notice Asgore behind a bush, which actually said a lot about her fuzzy mental state, as the goat monster was in fact a lot bigger than said bush. She quickly recovered and gave the old gardener a great smile. 

-Yes, finally!! And I think I did well on both tests today! - they both raised their hands with thumbs up. 

-That's great, dear, you did study a lot this week. I believe this deserves a celebration! What about we go out to dinner with your mother tonight? 

-Ohh I can't tonight, I'm going to Grillby's with Sans - dating Sans. She was going to be dating Sans - But we should go out tomorrow, there's that street market I want to go! 

-I'm in! - no reaction for Frisk going out with Sans, that was normal after all - Do you want a ride home? I'm almost done here. 

-No thanks, I feel like walking. See you later! 

Actually she felt like running and so she did, ocasionally jumping on air, bursting with excitement. 

She got a date with Sans! 


Hours later, Frisk's excitement had toned down considerably. In fact, it was slowly being replaced with nervousness. Well, she have waited five years to get this date, so she was entitled to be a bit nervous, right? Seemed reasonable, but Frisk was still bothered by it while rinsing her hair with a towel.

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