coming home

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you'd waited and waited, months and months. you couldn't take it anymore. he'd been gone too long.
avengers: endgame had wrapped and it was almost time you'd open your arms to the love of your life again.
for tom was due home today.
he's assured you over the phone where he was, boarding the plane and where his was over the atlantic ocean.
you'd tidied and cleaned the house, barely redecorating for tom's arrival. you desired for him to feel as if he'd never left.
stood in the lounge, counting down the moments, the click of a key in the door was shortly followed by the loving greeting of 'my darling'.
a long and necessary embrace later, tom placed his lips on yours. just as delicate as always. you'd missed this. the closeness, affection and love you could share both emotionally and physically.
tom was home, at last.

tom hiddleston imagines - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now