last request

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you and tom was a pair of sobbing messes. you sat on opposite ends of the sofa, not looking at nor holding each other. you made the choice to get a divorce, for yours and your children's benefits. the past months had been a huge argument between you and tom. he was away for work a lot and as far as you knew what you were getting into when indulging the relationship with tom, the stress of being a single mother to twins in a large, central london home was unsettling for you and made you worry for your children. no matter how many times you requested to move to somewhere smaller and safer, tom convinced you that he needed to stay where he was for work purposes. he'd offered a. million times to buy an apartment for you and the children but until now, you were sure that your children needed to be around their father. he'd shown unpredictable aggression around the home and it was a relief that you'd soon be away from there. 

tom stood up to go to bed but you grabbed his wrist before he could leave the room.

"one more thing." 


the desperation in his voice gave you yet another wave of chills. he'd spent hours begging you to stay, promised you he'd work on himself if you gave him time and a chance. but if the past fifteen years wasn't enough time then there was no hope. 

"can i have one last hug?"

tom hiddleston imagines - HIATUSWhere stories live. Discover now