Part Two

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After fixing several shots of moonshine I watched him laugh and get a bit frisky with his girlfriend which nearly sent me to the bathroom to puke but I held my own

Me: umm can you two take that to your room please? there are customers in here

Marie: and? let them watch. my baby paid good money here so we can do whatever we want *kisses bruno again* ain't that right baby

Bruno: *smiles and kisses back* that's right, but come on *get's up* lets go to the room

Marie: *smiles and looks at me while playing in his hair and kissing his jaw line*

Bruno: thanks for the drinks *stares off at her name tag* giselle *leaves her a tip and walks away*

I watched them leave and looks down at the tip

Me: oh my god, uhh bru... *they were no where in sight and I looked down at the $300 dollar tip in shock and picks it up* well damn

Jess: did he leave that for you?!

Me: yeah he did

Jess: nobody ever leaves that much of a tip in here you got lucky today haha damn it! I should have been the one helping him *wipes the counter off* all I got was twenty bucks and a phone number from some man that's old enough to be my grandpa

Me: *laughs* what? are you serious?

Jess: uh yeah *shakes her head* talking about "hey young lady, I'm a veteran when it comes to the bedroom *imitates his laugh*

Me: *keeps laughing*

Jess: *playfully hits you with the towel* that ain't funny lol

Me: *calms down* I'm sorry *laughs a little* at least you didn't get torchered by the mouth blabbing girlfrend who kept feeling up bruno thinking it was making me jealous

Jess: did it?

Me: *looks at you irritated a little* hell no

Why would I tell her the truth on that? hell yeah I was jealous, I mean who wouldn't be? the man is hella sexy and I know I could do better but obviously she's doing something right if he's with her *shrugs* but that is none of my business

Jess: Mmhmm whatever lal it's time to get out of here and get ready for work at the club tonight *walks to the back and clocks out*

Me: *follows her and do the same* yeah which I am not looking foward too *sighs* but I will see you later girly

Jess: *hugs you* okay see ya

Me: *hugs back* okay

we both went our separate ways and I walked out to my car and hears someone calling me from the side of the building. I turned around and saw this hawaiin...asian looking guy with long hair telling me to come here. I reached into my purse and grabbed the pepper spray and held it to my side walking up to him but not too close

Me: who are you and how do you know m name?

Guy: I'm ryan, bruno's assistant

Me: ohhh okay so why are you calling me?

Ryan: bruno wanted me to give you this *hands you a pass to the grammy's and my phone number* he wants you to text my phone so I can let him see them

Me: uh huh on some creeping type shit *nods my head* right, well I gotta get going so I can get ready for work tonight at the club

Ryan: which one? were going to one tonight as well

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