Part Twenty

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After another 5 minutes of beating her down, I finally let her go as she fell limp to the floor my mission was complete and I felt damn good

Bruno: wtF!! what hell happened to my window? what in the hell happened to her?....giselle what did you do?

Me: she through the brick into the window and walked in without permission while me and amilia were still in the bed. She said she was coming here to fight me because she didn't want me with you. She said "if I can't have bruno, nobody can"

Bruno: but you didn't have to do all this though giselle. You trying to end up in prison for assault and battery?

Me: they can't penalize me for self defense babe she broke in

He just looked at me like a had lost it, but I mean it's the truth

Bruno: call the ambulance

Me: you mean the cops?

Bruno: no I'm not calling the cops

Me: why not?!

Bruno: because I don't want to okay. I'm not pressing any charges alright

Me: WHAT?!!! are you out if your mind?! She just broke into your house and busted out your window bruno

Bruno: just go get amelia giselle she's crying right now

I looked at him like he completely lost it which he has. This nigga is taking up for her and isn't pressing any charges...something is definitely not right about this and I am gonna get to the bottom of it whether he likes it or not

Me: bruno?

Bruno: what?

Me: what's going on?

Bruno: what you mean?

Me: don't play dumb bruno. Just two weeks ago, you couldn't stand her guts and could care less about her so why the sympathy for her now

He just sat there and ignored me so that only gave me confirmation that he was hiding something for me which I don't like at all. I just shook my head and walked away....

Bruno: giselle?

Stops in my tracks

Me: what?

Bruno: you and amelia need to go

Wait what the hell! Did he just say that or am I dreaming?

Me: what? Why?

Bruno: just do what I say giselle now pack you and Amelia's stuff and

Me: but br...

Bruno: LEAVE!!

I couldn't believe my ears. The man I thought I was gonna spend the rest of my life with and is pregnant with our first baby together is putting us out without giving me any reason why. I just let the tears fall and did what he said and got amelia, heading to the door

Bruno: giselle wait

I stopped and turned to him as he walked up to me and took my hand

Bruno: you won't be needing this

He said while taking my engagement ring off

Me: bruno why ar....

Bruno: by giselle

I felt like my whole world crumbling before me and the air being sucked out of my body, I couldn't breathe, I was suffocating and my heart was bleeding because it was no longer broken, but torn. I was hurting so bad I became numb. I couldn't feel anything at all, but I managed to walk away and not look back as I put amelia and our bags in the car then I got in starting it and looked into my rearview mirror seeing him close his front door not even looking at me once. Why was this happening? Why couldn't he tell me? How could hurt us like this? The more I sat there thinking about it, the more I felt hateful and disgusted. I am never coming back again, i HATE him!! I repeated that over and over in my head and drove away and never looked back still goes on just not with him, but he's gonna be wishing he never done what he did to me though. Karma is gonna be waiting at his door, but sad to say that I won't be there when she does come. He made his bed and now he has to fix it, but I'm out of chances so I'm not coming back....Ever. {The End}


Thank you so much for the love and reading my fanfic, you guys are the best XD

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