Part Sixteen

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I watched him until fall asleep still holding on to me. I really hate that I had to find out the truth while he was intoxicated, but I'm glad I know now and I honestly can't even be mad at him, but yet he still did me wrong no matter what. I don't know what to do now. should I give him a second chance? or just let him be? or give him a second chance but take it slow and rebuild our relationship again now that we are expecting our first child? I'm so confused, ugh! 

The next morning I woke up and took a shower and got dressed before he woke up and realized I was naked with his horny ass lol but that is bae though...sometimes. just when I walked out the closet he was sitting on the edge of the bed looking at me

Me: well good morning sunshine

Bruno: *groans* my head hurts

Me: better your head than your ass

Bruno: *looks at me* you changed clothes *looks around me into the closet seeing my suitcase is open then looks at me then around me the other way and looks into the bathroom and back at me again* that's fucked up giselle

Me: what I do? *tries not to laugh*

Bruno: you took a shower without me?

Me: I'm supposed to because were not even together 

Bruno: -_- why not?

Me: because I'm not ready to forgive you just yet. and then you made it worst when you brought a totally different girl in here last night 

Bruno: *covers his face* gahh I wasn't trying to giselle

Me: mhmm whatever but it still doesn't change anything that you have been cheating on me

Bruno: what do I gotta do to get you back? I need you

Me: you gotta be patient with me. if you love me like you say you do then respect my choices and be patient with me

Bruno: can we be friends with benefits?

Me: Bruno!!

Bruno: okay okay damn I'll be patient and wait *sighs* and lays back on the bed* I'm so horny though

I walked over to the dresser and picked up his cocoa butter and wet wipes then handed them to him

Me: have fun 

Bruno: *looks at them* you real funny giselle

Me: ikr haha but be back later I gotta run some errands

Bruno: don't leave me!

Me: boy I will be back

Bruno: NOOOO

Me: I will be back *leaves out the room until I felt arms around my waist* bruno what are you doing? get up

Bruno: I don't want you to go

I turned around to face him and he was still holding on to my waist

Me: come on now bruno I need to go

Bruno: NO stay with me *squeezes my but* ooo nice!

Me: lol bruno stop and let me go please

Bruno: it's so firm but sqaushy at the same time

Me: oh my god bruno stop it lol

Bruno: *slides his hands up my dress and squeezes it more* even better

Not gonna lie I was enjoying it but I couldn't let him know that

Me: can I go now, please

Bruno: I'm hungry

Me: then go eat

Bruno: okay

He pushed me against the wall and I could barely move because of his grip then I felt my dress being raised

Me: what are you doing bruno?

He didn't say a word as I felt my underwear being moved

Bruno: I told you I was hungry

and with that said his tongue all over my middle

Me: oh god bruno stop

He ignored me and pushed two fingers inside me while his tongue was still against me. I was stuck then and I wasn't in any position to stop him because it felt so good I didn't want him to stop. after a few more minutes, I climaxed and he just looked at me and smiled

Bruno: *stands up* okay you can go now *winks* but do know, that I am not done with you

I couldn't do anything for a moment but stare at him trying to catch my breath, but once I collected myself, I straightened my clothes up and walked to amelia's room almost falling over but I catched myself and hears him laughing in the background. I picked up amelia and we left. all I could think about was what had just happened in the hallway and that I wanted more but I'm supposed to be mad at him and were not even dating, ugh! what am I gonna do?

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