Part Three

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I make it home and heads straight to my room, taking my shoes off and lays back on my bed sighing thinking about my hectic day and the news of my baby girl being taken away from me. I seriously need to get me a better place to live then this place and a better job so I can get my baby back, but I know that will take me forever so I might as well just hang it up because my ex is a surgical assistant and his girlfriend is an RN and I'm just a bartender *shakes my head* now I see why they gave her to him. I got up and got in the shower just letting the water run down on me when I heard my phone ring and usually I don't get calls this time of night. I got out and wrapped a towel around me then walked into my room picking up my phone and it read unknown caller

Me: *answers* hello

Person: hey beautiful

Me: who is this?

Person: aww come on! You don't recognize this sexy voice? I thought you would by now

I studied his voice as he talked and my heart skipped several beats when I realized who it was

Me: Bruno?

Bruno: yessss it is I, the mars a.k.a sex dragon

I couldn't help but to laugh at the last name, I've never heard of such thing

Me: sex dragon?

Bruno: oh yeah I'm just that good girl *he laughed*

Aww he has the most cutest laugh

Me: y-yeah so what's up?

Bruno: I just wanted to see how you were doing and to see if you got your package from your boss

Me: yeah about that, uhmm why so much? I mean I appreciate in all but I just never had someone tip me that much....ever

Bruno: you worked your ass off tonight, well at least I hope you didn't. I don't want it to fall off

Oh my god this boy is hilarious and out of this world lol

Me: no it did not fall off lol but thank you

Bruno: no problem but be looking out for another package tomorrow it should arrive at your door at 12:30pm alright?

Bruno: goodnight giselle

Me: what is it?

Bruno: *hangs up*

Me: hello

No he didn't hang up. I looked at my phone while thinking about what it could possibly be, but nothing came to mind. I put on my pj's and laid down turning the tv on when my phone message alert went off. I picked it up and opened the message seeing a selfie of bruno with a cigarette in his mouth trying to look all serious but goofy at the same time and I laughed so hard at his cuteness. I flipped my camera and took a cute and almost sexy selfie of myself and sent it to him then turned my phone off and went to sleep.

The next day I woke up to someone knocking on my door and I looked at my clock and it said it was 12:30pm on the dot, but I thought about it and realized it was my package bruno was talking about. I got up and ran to the door and opened it but no one was there, but when I looked down there was two boxes on the floor and I picked them up looking around once again then walked back into my apt. closing the door. I walked over to the couch and started with the big box and pulled out this beautiful long red carpet gown that looked extremely expensive with gorgeous detailing on it then I reached over and opened up looking at a pair of real louboutins....he got me some loubs I thought to myself in shock. I know he didn't pick this out alone but he still got excellent taste for a man because I loooove these dress and shoes and can't wait to wear them sunday. I picked up my phone and texted that number back...


Hey, I just want to say thank you for the dress and shoes they are really beautiful so I will see you sunday- G xoxo

{end of text}

I took the dress and shoes to my room and put them in my closet then got ready for work. I really didn't want to go today but I know calling off is out the question so I might as well go anyway. Once I made it to work I was greeted with Jess cheesing like a dork

Jess: hurry up!

Me: what?

Jess: you got flowers

Me: *frowns a little* from who?

Jess: I don't know look and see

I grabbed the card and reads it


Have a great day at work -B xoxo

{end of card}

I smiled so hard at this. He is just so sweet and caring...gah, why can't I have a man like this? I thought to myself and put the card back

Me: it's from mr Casanova himself

Jess: Bruno?!

Me: shhhh... *looks around* hello he is still here in this hotel remember? Geez

Jess: my bad but you do know what's next right?

Me: no what's next?

Jess: aha! You'll see

she laughed as she walked down to help a customer while I stood there thinking about what she said but nothing is going to happen he's just being friendly

Ryan: hey giselle

I looked up and saw Ryan and smiled

Me: hey Ryan what message you sending now for the boss?

Ryan: lal bruno told me to give you this *hands you a card good for three hours of spa time at this hotel*

Me: *takes it and looks at it* whoa wait are you serious?

Ryan: as a judge and you have the day off. Bruno requested it and *reaches in my pocket and hands you an address* go here and just enjoy the fine dining for dinner it's all paid for *turns around to leave but stops* oh, where something nice too. See ya!

Me: I couldn't do anything but stare at him like a deer in headlights as he walks away then looks down at the card and address. What in the world is this man trying to do to me? Oh my god this is too much!! I think...or is it?

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