Chapter 6

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Four wakes us up very loudly. I must have slept all through the day and night. I feel much better than yesterday which made me thankful for the sleep i got untill i go to get up and feel the soreness in my ribs.

I go to the bathroom and am immediatly shocked at the bruise across my face. I run my finger across it observing the swelling. I need some ice badly.

I walk out of the bathroom to find Tyler standing there with ice wrapped in one of his t-shirts.

"You are the best" I smile as i reach for the ice. I am so thankful for Tyler right now.

"I knew you would need it after what happened yesterday" he says handing me the ice.

Tyler and I skip breakfast to relax before a hard day of training. He tells me about what had happened after i had gotten knocked out. He told me about how he beat Matt in the fight. He was so proud of himself grinning everytime he told me how he punched. Then he tells me about George beating Sylar which was supposedly an easy fight. We simultaneously laugh when he does an impresson of the face that Sylar made when George hit him in the stomach. Then it got to be time for us to go to the training.

We race to the training room to see who was faster. Tyler tried to trip me multiple times but failed miserably by tripping his own self with his own two feet, I beat him by seconds and laughed histerically when i saw Tyler arrive panting like a dog. 

"This isn't over...I will beat you one day" he says.

"We'll see" I laugh at the thought of him ever beating me in a race. We all know i am faster than him.

Four enters the room and tells us were going to learn to throw knives today. We gather around to watch him demonstrate what to do. He makes it look so easy to throw knives. That's only because he has strong arms and an amazing throw. After a while he tells us to line up infront of the targets and get to work.

 I grab a couple of knives and attempt to throw the best that i could. Which turned out to be the worst thing ever. I couldn't throw for my life. The knife would get halfway to the target and drop or it would end up hitting the wall behind the target. I suck at this!

"Your standing all wrong" Tyler walks over to me. He grabs my waist and turns it which makes me giggle. He realizes im ticklish there and ends up tickling me till im laughing so hard i can't breath.

Finally he stops and goes back to helping me instead of torturing me. Me moves my legs apart just the right amount. He grabs my hand with his hand and raises it above our heads and throws it forward sending it flying and sticking into the target. I raise my hands up and cheer when i see that it stuck.

My smile leaves my face when i look over to see Eric glaring at me from across the room. He begins to whisper in Four's ear which makes Four grin.

What were they talking about? Why is four smiling? Is it about me? 

I turn back and continue to practice throwing. Suprisingly I hit the target everytime after getting helped.

Then it became time for lunch which wasn't appealing to me. I decided to stay behind and told the guys that i wasn't hungry. I decide to go over to the punching bag till my knuckles are split open.

Great! More ice for me tonight!

I end up laying on the concrete floor to rest while i waited. The cold floor soothed my aching ribs which made me feel so relaxed. By the time i am completely relaxed is when everyone decides to come back to the training room.

We spend the rest of the day throwing knives. By the end of the day i looked like a professional.

Okay! Maybe im exagerating! All i am saying is that i hit the target every single time!

I stay behind again to workout some more. I need to get stronger if i want to win my next fight. I do the normal sit ups till my side starts to hurt again. I think running might be better for now. 

I was running laps around the room when out of nowhere a person comes throughthe doorway sending me across the hard floor bracing my side. 

"You need to start watching were your going" Eric says glaring at me.

I really do though! I mean this is the second time I have run into him. I feel horrible. I begin to blush because of feeling embarrassed. 

"Sorry...It won't happen again" I pull myself off the ground.

"It better not! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be at dinner?" he says.

"I'm not that hungry and I need to train more..I'm not strong as you can tell" I lower my head blushing because of the fact that i just said im not strong infront of him.

"Yes you do need to train more...But if you need any help...I'm always around to help" he says.

I look up to see his facial expression has become softer than before. "You would do that?" I start to smile and fidget with my shirt.

"We'll train tomorrow during dinner" he says.

"That would be great" I cheerfully say.

"See you tomorrow!" He answers back with a smile as he walks out of the room.

I walk back to the dorms with a huge smile on my face. I finally get to spend time with him. Yeah! OK! were going to be training but atleast its something right!

"What are you smileing about" Tyler has a sort of grin on his face.

"Oh nothing" I realize I need to change the subject before he asks more questions. "Can i borrow some clothes. They are so much comfier!" I say while trying to convince him with my puppy eyes.

He shakes his head and smiles while pointing to some clothes on the corner of his bed. I go into a shower stall and quickly change immediatly feeling relaxed and comfortable. I plop myself down next to Tyler while listening to him and George argue about who throws knives better. I rest my head on his shoulder and clothes my eyes. I ment to just rest there and listen to their conversation. But instead i fall alseep dreaming of tomorrows day with Eric!

Author's Note: I know i would post every Thursday. But i am sick of waiting. I am going to update whenever i have the time and i have plenty of that right now. I am to 300 reads which makes me extremely happy! Thank you to everyone that is reading my story <3


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