Chapter 12

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"Bo..Wake Up"

I am startled by the sight of a frantic Kenzi. I rub my eyes and squint from the sunlight. It is morning already. I look down to see marks on my arms from the net. My body aches from sleeping here all night.

"I have been looking for you everywhere for you" At this point Kenzi is talking to me but its going in one ear and out the other.

"What time is it?" I rub the back of my neck and sigh.

"Lets just say that in 5 minutes you will be late for training" Then Kenzi begins to motion for me to hurry up and get off the net. But at this point I have zoned off into my own world with one thing on my mind.

Where is Eric? Why didn't he wake me up?

I feel hurt and angry at the same time. I mean I understand that the net is not comfortable, but he could of told me he was leaveing. Plus I thought we had a moment lastnight.

"Earth to Bo...We need to go now!" 

I pull myself out of my thoughts and pull myself together. As we walk I try to finger comb my hair to make myself look like I didn't just come back from the dead. After a while I just gave up because I wasn't worried about how I looked at this point. All I cared about is that I want to know what happened to Eric.

We get to the trainign room on time like always even though everytime Kenzi thinks were going to be late. I pick a spot next to Tyler, lean back against the wall and drift off into my own thoughts again. I start to visualize the way he just pulled himself onto the net and layed next to me. The way his arms just wrapped around me made me feel lighter than air. Oh and his deep sexy voice just makes me melt inside.

I am pulled out of my daydream by Four calling my name. I get up and quickly walk into the room. Immediatly my thoughts are taken off of Eric and on to the fear simulation. I am scared of what it will be today.

I close the door behind me trying to take as much time as I can trying to avoid the chair. I slowly walk over to the chair and look at Four.

"Sit down" He goes back to setting up the needle and typing things into the computer. 

I sit down and start to think about things to get my nerves down. I start to think about rainbows and butterflies because they always seem to calm me down.

"Are you okay?" Four gives me a quizzical look and points to my hands. I hadn't realized I had the death grip on the arms of the chairs.

" I am just not looking forward to this at all." I let go of the arms and wipe the swaet on my jeans.

"Just stay calm" He inserts the needle into my neck which wasn't that painful. I begin to feel my eyes get heavier. Then the simulation began.


I open my eyes and I am in what seems like a park. There are park benches everywhere and lots of beautiful trees. In the middle is a large fountain that looks beautiful. I immediatly walk over to the fountain and take in all the sculptures that are in the middle.

I could feel the sun on the back of my neck that made me feel warm. I sit down on the edge of the fountain, close my eyes, and lean back to feel the sun's warmth on my skin.

All of a sudden things become dark and the wind picks up. I feel the wind push me back into the fountain. I start to pull myself out of the water but I feel something pulling me down. I grab to feel for what was keeping me down and feel many hands pulling on my clothes and body. The arms seem to be coming out of the hole in the bottom of the fountain. I start to panic and grab for the surface , but I just keep getting farther away from it. Then I realize I need to calm down and relax.

So I close my eyes and feel my body sink down to the bottom. I start to listen to my heart beat become slower and slower. Then the scene changes and I am back in the simulation room.


After the simulations we went to the dining area to eat and talk about our fears. At this point We have all put our fights behind us because we need eachother in this part of the training. So one by one we went around telling our fears.

"Humiliation" Jack looks down at his food and just moves it around. 

"Spiders" Matt still is scratching himself like he has bug bites all over. 

Kenzi leans her head on George and says "Having to kill the people I love" and George turns to her and says "People telling me that i'm worthless. They both hug one another and become to mushy for me to look at.

Tyler looks at me and says "Birds....what was yours" and I look down at my hands and twiddle my thumbs and quietly say "drowning."

"So...We need to get our minds off of this. I say we have a party on the roof tonight and have fun" everybody looks at eachother and thinks. Kenzi yells that it is a good idea and they all begin to talk about the party.

I have another thing on my mind because of the fact that eric had just walked into the cafeteria and was looking straight at me. I start to smile and begin to raise my hand, but then stop when he looks away and goes over to sit with Four. For some reason I feel the need to get my anger out. I look over to Jack and say,

"I'm in..What time?"

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