Chapter 8

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The rest of that week we spent training and fighting. I was so exhausted from all of it. I went and spent time alone on the net when i couldn't sleep. The stars are so beautiful to look at.

I had become better at fighting day by day. I fought Tyler and lost completely because he is stronger than me. He feels so bad for knocking me unconcious but makes up for it by letting me use his comfy clothes to sleep in. Also I fought Kenzi which was actually funny. We teased eachother for a while till Four started getting angry for us not trying to hurt eachother. We end up going full force on eachother and both leave with cuts and bruises, But i cause more damage to Kenzi to make her light headed and unable to get back up.

Iv'e learned alot from Eric over the past couple of days that has made me stronger. Every now and then i would become overwhelmed by his presents. He came in the one day in a cut off shirt that showed off his muscles that i dreamed about every night after that. But when i was able to concentrate I could catch him off guard and push him around. He told me if i pay attention and remember everything he has taught me I can win my last fight.

Its finally time for our final fights which i was looking forward to till i find out that I will be fighting Jack. My stomach starts to toss and turn. But then i remember what Eric said to me. He said to stay confident and be smart. I wipe the worried look off my face.

I can beat Jack. I am stronger now and I can do this!

When it was time for me to fight i walk up to the mat in complete confidence. Jack walks up with a grin on his face. 

"This will be fun" he says raising his hands into fists.

He goes to punch me and i quickly block it. I throw a punch which only hits his arm and doesn't phase him at all. We continue to punch and block eachother till he punches me in the gut knocking me to the floor. I quickly react by leg sweeping him which causes him to fall onto his back. I jump up on to him straddling his waist and punch him in the face. Hes strong enough to flip me over and pin me. I raise my arms up over my face to block his punches. 

I start to panic and don't know what to do. What would hurt him enough for me to get out from under him. I then think his crotch and bring up my knee hard into him. He falls back holding himself groaning in pain. I straddle him once more continueing to punch him in the face till he bleeds. But i don't stop punching because of all the anger that i have for him just comes out.

I don't stop till i hear Four yell "That is enough." I get up and walk over to Kenzi cheering while jumping up and down. She tackles me with a hug  exstatic that I just won. I glance over to see Eric standing in the doorway smiling at me. I nod at him smiling back and give him a thumbs up. 

We finally get through all the fights and go to dinner exhausted. We eat fast and end up going back to the dorms to go to sleep. I crawl into bed and as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out.

We wake suddenly to Four and Eric telling us to get dressed and meet them at the train. It must have been eleven oclock at night. We all roll out of bed and quickly get dressed. When the train arrives everybody starts running and jumping on. A couple minutes go by before Eric quiets us down and begins to explain why he woke us up at this hour of the night.

"We have a tradition here at Dauntless after the first stage of training. It's a game we like to call Capture the flag. Your weapon is a gun with neuro stim darts." he opens 2 duffle bags full of guns."It is a devise designed to make it feel like you have been shot. It only lasts for a minute so don't be a wimp. You will be split up into two teams. Four and I are captains. Four you can pick first" he says.

They go one after another picking each initiate. Tyler, Kenzi, and I end up on Four's team. George is on Eric's team which causes us to start trash talking eachother till Eric's team jumps off the train. We wait about 10 minutes before we end up jumping off the train and head towards the carousel.

We argue for about 5 minutes till we reach an agreement that Matt and a Dauntless born will stay behind to hide the flag on the carousel while the rest go and find the other team's flag. We quietly move towards where Eric's team jumped off the train. It is silent till I hear one of the Dauntless born scream because she got hit. It immediatly turns into a war zone with yelling and guns being shot.

Four signals for Kenzi and I to sneak around the side and search for the flag. We get to a tower and see the glow from the flag at the top. I tell Kenzi to go while i stand watch at the bottom.

"Didn't I tell you to be smart?" he says. His voice causes my heart to race.

Oh shit! What am I gonna do! 

A lightbulb goes off in my head when i know what I have to do. I turn to see Eric standing there with a huge grin on his face. I lower my gun to my side and begin to smile. He is suprised by my smile and lowers his gun as well. It's working! I slowly start to walk towards him while biting my lip trying to be seductive. It works because Eric is just staring at me with his wide eyes. When I reach him i raise my hand to his neck taking my eyes from him and following my hand trail down to his chest leaving my hand there. I look up to him still staring at me in shock. I stand tall and lean in towards him like im going to kiss him and whisper in his ear "No baby! You should be smart!" While i was teasing him I had already brought my gun up to his stomach. As soon as I see his expression change I pull the trigger. He drops immediatly screaming from the pain. I begin to laugh and walk back to the entrance of the tower.

I hear a girl howling and look up to see Kenzi waving the flag back and forth. Our team starts cheering and Tyler startles me when he picks me up in a hug spinning me around. We won!

We celebrate all the way back to the Dauntless compund rubbing it in George's face. Even though we were so energetic from our win we head to the dorms to go back to sleep. We had a long weekend ahead of us. We have tomorrow free to relax and Saturday is visiting day. I'm not looking forward to that at all!

Author's Note: OMG 400 reads is amazing!! I hope you liked this chapter! Votes would be appreciated <3

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