Chapter 11

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Maybe it was because he hit the wall with the metal or because there were only six of us. But the noise seemed so much louder this morning. I roll out of bed grabbing my shower stuff. Thinking about what today has in store for us has made me loose my apetite.

I take my time in the shower feeling the warm water. I almost start to drift off untill i hear people in the dorm room. I drag myself out of the shower, dry myself off, and put on clothes. I head to the pit to meet everyone and wait for Four.

He leads us to a hallway with benches attached along the sides with a door at the end. We sit on the benches waiting while one by one we are called into the room. Jack is the first one to go in and it takes about 15 minutes before Four calls Tyler in. I feel Kenzi grab a hold of my hand and George trying to assure here that everything will be okay. But I can honestly say I am a little nervous of what is behind that door.

All of a sudden the door swings open and Four walks out.

"Bo...Lets go!"  I slowly stand up and walk towards the door.

I walk in and see a metal chair and a monitor over on a table. Four closes the door and walks over towards the monitor.

"Sit in the chair" I walk over and almost trip and fall but catch myself on the chair. The metal is cold on my skin and makes me shiver. I start to shake even more as I see Four filling up a needle with a liquid substance.

"You will be going through a simulation much like your aptitude test. But instead it will be your fears. This simulation is to teach you how tto control your emotions and calm yourself in difficult situations. You ready?" He walks towards me with the needle in his hand.

I look wide eyed at the needle and feel my heart beating fast. I lean away from the needle which doesn't help when Four sticks the needle in. I wince at what felt like a really hard pinch.

"You need to slow your breathing and relax yourself to end the simulation...Good luck" 

I close my eyes and drift off.

I open my eyes and I see nothing but darkness. I lay on what feels like a cold metal table. I go to pull myself up off the table when I feel restraints around my wrists and ankles. I start to yank on the restraints trying to break them. I start to feel warmth around my wrists trying ti slide them out. I start to scream. I feel my heart racing and my body thrashing on the table.

All of a sudden I hear footsteps. I halt to a stop to listen carefully trying to make out who is coming. I feel a flat cold metal slide across my cheek. I start to whimper and clench my hand into fists. I hear the blade slide across the metal table and slide up the side of my stomach slicing my skin open. 

I let out a loud cry and start to try to free myself again. The more I thrash the more he cuts. I feel the pain across my cheek, my shoulder, my chest, and a long slice from my ribs down to my bellybutton.

I continue to scream untill i remember this isn't going to stop unless I calm down. I start to breath deeply and every once and a while let out a cry when the blade would touch my skin. I start to think about Eric and how I would rather be in his arms right now. I listen to my heartbeat slow down and become calm once again. I don't feel the pain anymore.

I flick open my eyes and i'm back in the simulation room. I frantically feel for the cuts on my body and find none. I look up to see Four standing there impressed.

"What are you smiling at?" I say with an angry look on my face.

"It only took you 8 time so far today" He says.

"Well this is nothing to be smiling about...This is a horrible way to help us face our fears!" I grab my head with my hands and try to process what just happened. This is the worst thing that is possible. I stand up and walk towards the door.

"No you don't have to go out that way...We have a back door for you to go out" he points to a door in the corner back wall.

I walk towards the door and speed walk down the hallway. I end up going to the net room because I want to be alone. I don't want to see everyone and have to explain what my fear was. 

I pull myself up onto the net and lay in the middle like usual. I close my eyes and listen to my heartbeat. I curl up into a bawl wrapping my arms around myself. I feel the need to hold myself together  I just lay there in silence listening to the sounds of the faction.

"I thought I'd find you here" a mans voice says.

I open my eyes to see Eric standing there looking at me with those grey eyes. My face immediatly brightens and I begin to smile childishly. He is just so perfect to look at.

"Where else would I be..I love this place" I try to act calm, but deep down I am so happy he is here.

"You missed dinner..your friends are wondering were you are"

"I wasn't hungry..I just wanted to be alone" I say.

"After a few times it will get better" He says and I know exactly what he means.

"That was the worst expierience of my life...I have never been so scared" I look down at my hands which are gripping tighter onto my body.

"You should get some're going to need all the rest you can get" He turns to walk out when I feel myself loose control of my mouth.

"Eric" He turns towards me. "Please..Stay!" 

He doesn't even hesitate and pulls himself up onto the net. He pulls me into his arms and rests his chin on my head. I lay my head on his chest and take in a deep breath. I feel safe now. This is were I want to be right now in this moment. I close my eyes and listen to his breathing get slower.

That night I dreamt about him.

Author's Note: Sorry it has been so long. I sorta had a tough time writing the simulation part. I hope you like it. Thank you so much to the readers. The votes are what keep me motivated with this story :)

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