Chapter 7

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It's the usual wakeup with Four being loud as hell. I open my eyes to see Tyler in my bed while i am in his.

"I didn't want to wake you by moving you. So i just slept in your bed" he says while tidying my bed.

I smile at him. Tyler is such a sweet guy. He thinks about everybody but himself. I mean most guys would have moved me from the bed or took advantage of the situation and slept in the bed with me. His Abnegation shows alot and his mother raised him to be such a gentleman.

The day was pretty much the same with the initiates fighting eachother. Today i fought Claire which was suprisingly easy. It took awhile because she kept on running off the mat everytime i went to throw a punch. Four had to finally say that if she ran off the mat one more time she would have to pack her stuff and leave.

Then Kenzi and Sylar fought which was a funny scene to watch. Kenzi moves so fast that she dodged every punch. Kenzi got her in the crotch and that was the end of it.

Then it was lunch time which i was looking forward to. The burger tasted so delicious and juicy that I had one more. After that George and Tyler fought which was an okay fight. George ended up winning but still helped Four take Tyler to the infirmary. The rest of the fights weren't important to me because i wanted it to be dinner already.

When dinner came around I told Kenzi to meet me in the pit so we could go shopping after dinner. She got so excited and skipped off to catch up with the guys.

Eric finally walks in and motions me over to the mat.

"You need to work on your defence" he takes my hands to position them to block my face.

He begins to put pressure on my arms and gently punching slowly.

"You need to keep that block strong! Having a strong block will buy you alot more time in a fight" he says motioning to my hands.

He shows me alot more blocking poses before he starts testing me. I become so lost staring at him that my head starts to race with thoughts that i take my attention off of what he is doing. I miss a couple of blocks before i notice him getting angry.

"You need to actually block if you dont want to get hit!" he yells

"I sorry" I look down at the ground afraid of his reaction.

"Your not even trying" he yells even louder this time closer to me.

My face turns red not from blushing, but from anger. How dare he yell at me! It's not my fault he distracts me and he doesn't need to scream in my face either. I look up to his scowl and completely loose control of my mouth.

"You know what asswhole I am trying...It's not as easy as it looks!" I blurt out.

He has a suprised look on his face. Maybe it is because I had just called him an asswhole!

"We'll see if your trying" his suprised look turns into a serious one.

"Bring it on!" I confidentally say. At this point I was angry enough at him i didn't care about his attractiveness. I just wanted to prove him wrong.

He instantly goes for my fave. I block it! He goes for my gut. I block it! He tries to trick me by throwing a fast punch towards my gut again. But I block it!

"Now that is more like it" he gives me smile which sends me back into the effect that he has on me.

We continue to do that for the rest of the time. He tested me constantly making sure i was paying attention. He finally decides were done for the day. He smiles and tells me that he'll see me tomorrow. I smile as i walk to to go meet Kenzi.

We arrive at a clothing store that Kenzi immediatly fell inlove with. She goes crazy picking things for me to try on. I end up buying a few tank tops, t-shirts, 2 pairs of black jeggings, and a pair of beautiful black chucks.

Then Kenzi insists that we stop at the lingerie store to buy underwear and bras. I pick quickly and pay as fast i possibly can. I don't want to spend anymore in a store that makes me sort of uncomfortable. Ive never bought underwear with lace on them. Everything is new to me which makes me feel extra nervous.

Just my luck we walk out of the store at the same time that the boys are walking by. George gives us a curious look and grins. I try to pretend that this awkward moment isn't happening and begin to walk away towards the dorms.

We arrive at the dorms and i immediatly go for the shower. I grab Tyler's clothes that i wore to bed lastnight to wear again tonight. They are just so much more comfier. I strip down and jump into the shower. I start to relax and zone out all the noise except the water running. 

I am taken out of my peacefulness when Kenzi starts to sing loudly and off key.

"Let it go! Let it Go! Can't hold it back anymore!" she sings the classic Let It Go from a movie that came out before the war. We are taught in school alot of the old classic things that came from before the war. 

I laugh histerically at her because of the randomness. But i feel the need to join in her burst of song.

"I don't care what they're going to say! Let the storm rage on! The cold never bothered me anyway!" I sing much louder than her. I can hear George and Tyler in the other room making jokes about our singing.

This was a good way to end the night. Having fun and smiling with my friends who i consider my new family. It makes me feel better about my faction choice. I am where I belong. No matter how hard I have to try. My heart belongs to Dauntless!

Author's Note: I know! I know! I made a Frozen cameo, but i just couldn't help it! I know there wasn't much between Eric and Bo but I am trying to spread it out and go slow into the relationship! Thanks for reading <3

The Unknown (A Divergent Eric Romance)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant