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As pov
I watched tv till it was 2:45 and school end at 3:15 so I decided to get dressed. I got up and found a bag that had my close in it and went into the bathroom. I got cleaned up and started to get changed but I couldn't find my shirt so I went back out into the room in my bra to look for it. I was looking under a chair and looked at the door and it opened and 4 sets of feet walked in and then stopped I looked up more and they all were looking at me then they turned and left the room. When the door closed I sat there and thought
' am I really that ugly at lets they see it now'
The door opened and a hand with a hoodie came through and stopped at the elbow. I walked over and grabbed it then the door shut and I put it on. I opened the door and they were all huddled around the door waiting. I looked and Corbyn didn't have his hoodie on so this must be his
" oh yeah I was the only one that had a shirt on underneath "
I rolled my eyes I went and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror I had on black jeans and now a red hoodie I let out a silent laugh and walked back into the main part of the room
" ok A oh hello "
" hi "
They all said at the same time
" ok I need to check her vitals one more time then she can get out of here sound good"
they waited outside the room and she did the final checks
" so A which ones are that "
She pointed at the hoodie and I smiled
" the curly-haired one "
I shuck my head no
" oh the blond "
I put my finger on my nose and she let out a little laugh and I put my finger to my lips
" ok shh sorry "
When she was taking what she needed I typed
' Thanks for being so kind I bet you are a great mom I mean you have to be better than mine thanks for understanding and not asking questions ( even though it's your job ) '
She read it
" well I'm not a mom and honestly you'd be the best daughter and I understand even if I didn't have this job ... here keep in touch k "
She put her number in my phone and I nodded yes
" ok well you're good to go "
We walked out and filled out the paperwork and the guys took me home.

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