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" what are you talking about pancakes are better "
From the front, his mom said
" pancakes are the best like they tested it and everyone loves them "
we were all laughed then his mom must have not looked and changed lanes and suddenly we were rolling. When we stopped I saw the semi coming right for us.
I woke up gasping for air and realized it was just a dream they looked at me funny then I said
" It was just a dream "
When we got back we just hung out then the phone rang and I answered laughing
" hello "
" hello is this miss Elderson "
"Yes "
" I'm sorry but your mother has passed away "
" what "
" she killed her self "
" when "
" 1 "
He said
" ok "
I squeaked out
" can someone come and collect her things "
" y-yes Ummm Mrs. Herron "
" ok ... once again I'm sorry for your loss "
" thank you "
I hung up and said to no one in particular
" my moms dead "
They all instantly got up and hugged me and I had Zach ask his mom to go there tomorrow and get her things and she said she would.

The next day she dropped off the stuff around 7 pm it was just some book and notebooks and some things she made. Then I found the one thing I didn't know I was looking for the thing that would explain it all

Dear A,
My darling daughter I know things are going to be even harder for you now and I'm sorry. Today when I saw you honestly I was scared tariffed in fact, when I moved to hug you and you were scared I realized I could never fix this. I know I know I was always mad at your father for taking the " cowers " way out and I was mad that jack took the " easy" way out, I now see this is the hardest way out. I'm sorry and I hope you can forgive me and to the boys that have helped you tell them everything and don't let it kill you as I did. I see now that the family we chose is always better then the one were born with. Boys take care of her.
Love -mama xoxo

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