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I couldn't speak I dropped the paper and I fell to the floor. I didn't cry my breathing didn't change my heartbeat stayed the same and all I could do was stare at the ground.

I don't remember how but I was on the couch not in my house but in Daniels house and I was alone. I looked at the time and it was 11 at night the house was dark only the lamp next to me was on. I sat up and quietly walked up to the stairs to the Daniels room. The door was open a little and I could see the light coming from his phone screen I pushed the door open more and he looked at me and in a tiered voice
" Hey what's up "
" what am I doing here "
He walked over and grabbed my wrist pulling me into his room shutting the door behind us
" well Ummm we decided you should be alone and my mom came to get me and she insisted you stay the night here "
" why "
" because "
That's all he said before he sat down on his bed and I followed and when I sat down he said
" I don't get it A ... you've lost so much and yet you welcome new people in all the time"
" no, I don't it was hard for me to even look at Jack the first day I meet him lead alone all of you "
" A why ... never mind "
He laid down and said something then I could hear him snoring and I whispered
" thanks "
I got up and went back down the stairs and passed out on the couch.

The rest of the school year flew by and it was the last day of school and we were at lunch
" So are you guys ready to be seniors next year "
" yes "
They all said at the same time I couldn't help but think about this town and all the ghosts that lived here. I looked at each of these boys and I swear time slowed and I took in each of there faces and I started to feel bad for what I was going to do. The bell rang and time went back to its normal pace
" ok see you guys after school "
" see ya "
We separated and went through the rest of our day.

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