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As pov
I smiled and she said
" A I'm so sorry I just couldn't handle things and I know I should have got help sooner but I didn't know how I'm so sorry for what I did ... I really am "
I looked at her and I wanted to scream at her I wanted to tell her that I needed her for the past 3 years. That she could have gotten help sooner and she should of never let it get this far that it was all her fault all of it but Instead I took a deep breath and swallowed hard and said
" it's ok "
It came out as a whisper and I quickly turned  because she had a look of surprise on her face and said
" This is Daniel "
" hello "
"This is Corbyn "
He just put his hand up
" This is Zach his mom drove us "
" Nice to see you again "
I pointed to jack and said
" and lastly this is umm ... jack "
My mom started to cry a little and said
" well it's nice to meet you all but umm I have to go and do some stuff to get better thank you for coming but umm I have to go "
She walked away quickly. I took a step back as someone had just pushed me and I guess I looked like I was going to fall because jack and Daniel got up to steady me
" I umm... I just need some air "
" ok let's g"
" alone "
I walked out of the building and went to the side of it and I slid down the wall that was made of brick. I put my elbows on my knees and then put my head in my hands and tried not to cry because it made my ribs hurt. I stood up and put my hands on my hips and started to pace a little breathing deeply trying not to cry then I punched the brick wall
" hey are you ok miss "
I looked up and there was a nurse
" Yeah I'm fine just a little anger is all "
" ok "
He walked away and I went back to the door and before I walked in I saw my mom giving jack and hug and crying. She was pulled off and I looked at the for boys sitting there and realized that we were all messed up and so were our real families so we made our own. I grabbed my phone and texted them
'let's blow this popsicle stand '
we all got in the car and drove back. We were talking about school
" god it's so annoying how much longer do we have Daniel "
"I think we have 3 weeks left corb "
" thank god "

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