Interview: Violet

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Okay this is the last of the interviews, the next part will be the first chapter:) Remeber only cool kids/adults vote and comment:))) 

ARE YOU COOL? lol... y'all know I love you:)

Interview with Violet

Me: Hello Miss Flowers how are you doing today?

Violet: *blushes* Oh please call me Violet, Miss Flowers sounds so formal! *blushes more* *sits gently in chair*

Me: Okay, Violet, tell me a little bit about yourself.

Violet: *looks around room* Um… like what?

Me: Anything.

Violet: Well I’m seventeen, a junior in high school. I’m blonde and people are constantly reminding me that! Jeesh people blondes can be smart too!

Me: Yes they can.

Violet: I have an older sister named Rose, she’s nineteen and lives with us.

Me: Why?

Violet *smiles* she’s in college and takes care of me and my dad, and I think she also is saving up her money for college instead of on rent.

Me: She sounds very responsible.

Violet: You have no idea!

Me: Do you work?

Violet: Yeah I work at a gallery, the manager is really cool he lets me come to the studio and paint and draw, and if its good he puts it in the gallery and then when it sells most of the time I get all of it or at least half.

Me: Sounds very interesting, you draw a lot Violet?

Violet: Oh yeah all the time, Rose says its kinda annoying sometimes cuz I make messes… lots of them. *blushes* *looks down*

Me: What do you draw?

Violet: *blushes* everything.

Me: What was the last thing you drew?

Violet: a red bird that was sitting on my window sill on the outside, it was really, really red!

Me: Do you like birds?

Violet: I don’t know I guess, why not?

Me: Right. So if Rose has to take care of you and your dad… what does your mom do?

Violet: *shifts nervously* shes resting.

Me: Is she sick?

Violet: I imagine she was at a time.

Me: What do you-

Violet: *cuts in* I love your jacket, its really pretty.

Me: Thank you, what else would you like to talk about? I have almost enough to put up.

Violet: Boys?

Me: Why not?

Violet: *giggles* have you ever been in love?

Me: I think I’ll be the one asking the questions Violet, *says laughingly*

Violet: *blushes* oh right, so… um… ask away! *nervous laugh*

Me: Okay, have you ever been in love?

Violet: All the time! But… well… I don’t know, Rose says I fall in love too quickly.

Me: What do you think?

Violet: I think shes right, plus none of the boys have been… well at least I don’t think they’ve been THE ONE, but I do love them… or loved them… oh I don’t know!

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