Chapter Eight Rose

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Chapter Eight


You’d think that after getting a number a guy’d be happy, but no this wasn’t the case with Mr. Prince/Mystery, he stayed at my table. The whole night, well I mean for my whole shift. I couldn’t believe it and every time someone would harass me or try and provoke me I just reminded myself it was better than playing games with Romeo over in the next booth over. The weird thing was that everyone was giving great tips; I hadn’t gotten these kinda tips since… well ever. I didn’t know if it was something in the air or just the lipstick I had managed to smear on my lips tonight.

Another thing was that everyone was coming to my tables, and once mine were all filled they would wait at the bar until mine were opened. It was such an odd night I tried not to pay much attention to it. It was hard and I kept thinking it had something to do with the mystery guy waiting patiently for me to get off. Even when I’d pass by him he’d wave or say my name under his breath, like it was some oath he had sworn to uphold. I had no idea what was going on and a part of me wished I didn’t want to know. The hard part was putting on the front that I didn’t care, the stress I carried on my back stiffened every time he talked or breathe.

“When do you think he’ll leave?” Hope asked as I grabbed a couple water glasses from next to her, grabbing some coasters I looked at her and met her gaze, of course she was talking about Prince Mystery. I watched him too; he was looking down at the perspiration glass of water like it was a foreign concept.

“When Ran kicks him out.” I muttered trying to act like I didn’t care; of course Hope would see past this.

“Oh come on you know you want him!” I raised an eyebrow and tried not to purse my lips.

“I don’t know, why’d you think that.” I kept moving, filling the glasses, putting them on a tray and repeating this till I had two orange sodas, a diet Pepsi and one water.

“Because no one could look at that man and say they didn’t want to jump his bones!” I laughed when she said this; Hope always had a way with words.

“Who wants to jump whose bones?” Asked Miller coming up from behind Hope and grabbing four glasses. Miller was one of the four male waiters we had, like Hope I had known Miller for a couples of years. He was nice and went to the same college as me, he though, didn’t really care for a career he was going each day at a time. He brushed his thick brown hair out of his face revealing his adorable brown eyes. Miller had always been tall and lanky but the last two years he had filled in and gotten some bulk, but he was no match for the mystery guys muscle. Not that I had been paying attention to his muscle.

“Everyone wants to jump his bones!” Hope jerked her head towards mystery guy and I bit my lip as his sapphire eyes met mine, my stomach dropped and I almost coughed.

“Oh… who is he?” Miller asked squinting to see him, I rolled my eyes. Was it so terrible awful to not know someone? I knew that sounded stupid and I really didn’t understand why I didn’t want to know his name. I guess maybe because once you knew someone’s name you kinda knew them, and maybe I didn’t want to know him. Okay not true but a part of me didn’t want a boyfriend or even to date anyone, because it would just lead to one thing; leaving. And I couldn’t do that just yet, I had to separate myself from this mystery guy, and he would always remain that guy.

“I don’t know and I don’t care!” Miller smirked like he wanted to hear that I rolled my eyes sarcastically but then grabbed my tray and went to the table that needed these drinks. Only ten minutes till my shift was over and I would leave and never look back, sure I had given him my number but I usually only answered it with numbers I recognized and even if he called I could just hang up and block his number. There were ways around this one mistake I had made. There also was the small detail that he knew my name and where I worked, so what? I could tell Ran to make sure he wasn’t allowed in, Ran would do it, he had done it with a guy that had gotten a little too close to me.

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