Chapter Ten Violet

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Chapter Ten


            “Do something!” I heard someone scream, the voice was high and squeaked like a squirrel, I felt the corners of my mouth turn upwards. My memory felt foggy like I’d overslept, I couldn’t remember where I was and I kept my eyes shut. They burned like I’d rubbed salt in them, something very hard and full of edges was pressed on my back. Or maybe I was lying down, I just wanted to sleep, I was tired and my eyes were heavy and hurting.

            “Oh God she’s gone retarded hasn’t she!” another familiar filled the empty space around me, again I smiled but this time my eyes cracked open on their own command. Squinting I saw a group of people around me, and I was lying on the rock cliff by the ocean. My mind was trying to process what had happened but it was just working too slow.

            “No she’s just waking up.” I met the eyes of the voice who said this and I was shocked, it was Wistar. I was staring into the drops of yellow and the mane of black hair. I looked around and saw some people I didn’t know; there was eight people around me. Aza, Lilac, Cosmo, Salvia, Stock and then the three boys from the movie rental place.

            “What are you guys doing here?” I asked and was shocked by the hoarseness of my voice; instinctively I grasped my throat and winced at the pain. Wistar was already kneeling next to me, he reached out to help me up, I didn’t hesitate to take it but once our hands made contact I felt like I should’ve. After all he did go to Jenseitigen, the reform school for bad kids.

            “He saved you.” Lilac said, she looked extra pale and her hands were shaking. She was in between the other two boys with yellow eyes; she seemed comfortable around them even if they went to Jenseitigen.

            “Saved me?” Then the memories flooded my mind, I clutched my head because it spazmned in pain. I had almost droned? I had never even came close to droning? Why had I this time? I couldn’t answer any of those questions and I didn’t think I ever would, arms caught me around my waist and brought me back to my feet. It was Wistar, I knew I should’ve felt awkward just wrapped in his arms with a bunch of people I didn’t know and my best friends but I didn’t, I felt calm, at peace, and like lightning was striking my stomach with the amount of butterflies that were lashing off of my stomach.

            “Yeah it was no problem I just saw you sinking to the bottom and swam over to you and dragged you out of the water.” I was still gazing into Wistar’s yellow gaze and I wasn’t sure if I was being a freak about it or not, since he was staring right back.

            “Thank you.” He nodded his head and pulled back his hands, feeling the heat fall off of me was almost like whiplash. I craved his heat again but I knew it was stupid, it was just eager hormones.

            “I’m sure anyone would’ve done it.” He tried to shrug it off, his black hair looked even blacker since it was wet. I saw how long it actually was, it was past his eyebrows sticking to his forehead. He must’ve saw that I was staring at his hair because he shook it and it dried out a little, it fluffed up more.

            “Well we better get Violet home; she’s had a big day today.” Aza said from behind me grabbing my forearm and tried unsuccessfully to whisk me away. I looked back at Wistar and to his friends, I wish I was witty like Aza or polite like Lilac or charming like Cosmo, I was neither.

            “See you around.” I told them, they all stood stiff, then, Wistar nodded and did this wave thing. See I was the dreamer, thinking I’d see them again was simply dreaming.

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