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Tris's POV

Ringgggggg Ringgggggg

I groan as i finally pick up the phone call.

"Tris Prior speaking. Hello?" I ask.

"Hello? Oh Hi Tris! This is Lauren Pines from high school! I don't know if you remember me" says the girl on the phone.

"Lauren Pines? Oh, how could i forget you? The girl who made my high school year a living hell" i say.

"Yea. Well about that, i want to apologize, but we're both mature now and i think we should move on from that" she says.

"I couldn't agree more, but may i ask why you're calling?"

"Oh right! I just got engaged and i know you're the best in the business, so i want to hire you to plan my wedding!" She squeals.

"Oh wow! Congrats!" I say trying to sound happy for her. I feel sorry for the guy that married her.

"Thank you! So, is it possible if we can meet up Today?"

"Um, i believe i can around 3:00. Is that okay?"

"Absolutely perfect! I'll bring my husband!"

Great, because i really want to see this desperate guy who was willing to propose to Lauren.

"Great! See you then. Bye." I hang up the phone. I look at the time and it's 12:00 pm. I have 3 hours until i have to meet up Lauren and her husband. So i decide until then i'll just spend some time with Christina, my best friend. Christina and i have been best friends since the 2nd grade. I dial her number and call her.

"Hey Chris! You wouldn't guess who i just got a phone call from! Meet me at Charlie's cafe in half an hour!" I hang up and get ready.

I put on a yellow, spaghetti strapped sunflower dress, and a white cardigan to top it off. I leave my hair out and put on white heels. I drive of to the cafe and Christina arrives there within 10 minutes.

"Hey hun!" She says running up to me and giving me a hug.

"Hey sweetie! You look great! You're glowing. Whats going on?" I ask anxiously.

"Well, WILL PROPOSED!!!" She says squealing.

"OH MY GOSH, CHRIS! CONGRATULATIONS" I squeal with her. In seconds, everyone is staring at us.

"Thank you! And not only do i want you to be my made of honor, but i want you to be my wedding planner also" she shouts.

"Christina, i would be honored to plan your wedding!"

"Thank you so much! Anyway, what'd you want to tell me again?" She asks as we sit down and look at the menus.

"Oh yeah, right. So i got a call from Lauren about an hour ago"

"Oh my gosh! Lauren Pines?!" She shouts.


"Boyfriend stealing Lauren?!"


"Bitchy Lauren?!"


"Omg! What did she want?" Christina asks anxiously.

"Well, she's getting married and-

Christina interrupts me. "Wait! Hold the phone! Who would want to marry that shebeast?!"

"I know right! Thats what i thought, but anyway, she's getting married and she wants me to plan her wedding."

"So are you going to do it?"

"Of course. Chris, the is business. I have to put all personal feelings aside. Besides, we are adults now, we have to move on."

"Yeah i guess." Christina says. I look at the time and it's already 2:45.

"Well Christina, i got to get going, but it was great meeting up with you. I'll call you later ." I say. "wish me luck with Lauren"

"Oh, i'm praying for you Darling!" We both laugh.

I arrive at the place the wedding will be held at 2:58. I see Lauren over in the corner. Breathe i tell myself trying not to punch her for all the hell she put me through in high school. I put on a fake smile and walk over to her.

"Lauren!" I say happily. I was faking it.

"Tris!" She squeals hugging me.

"Its been forever." I say.

"I know!"

"So wheres your husband?" I ask. Did he run away finally realizing that he's making the biggest mistake of his life i say in my head.

"He's in the restroom. Oh well actually here he comes now."

My eyes widen, my heart starts pounding, and my palms are sweating. I could recognize those shimmering blue eyes anywhere.

"Four Eaton?!" I ask.


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